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Generating a Subversion Dump file

For Subversion conversions, both Import and Convert modes require a Subversion dumpfile as the historic data source. A dumpfile can be generated in several different ways, two of which are detailed below:

  • Using the svnadmin command:

    svnadmin dump local_repo_path > dumpfile.dmp

    Replace local_repo_path with the path to the Subversion repo. Do not use the --delta flag option as the results cannot be parsed by the conversion tool.

  • Using the remote dump command:

    rsvndump url > dumpfile.dmp

    Replacing url with the remote Subversion server. For example: http:// or file:// or svn://. Note that for large servers generating the dump file locally is significantly faster, so you might also consider creating a local copy of the subversion depot using svnsync, before generating the dump file.