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The java conversion requires a configuration file to setup the necessary options. A default configuration file default.cfg can be generated by running the converter with the --default parameter and specifying CVS or SVN.

For example: to generate a default configuration file for CVS, run...

java -jar p4convert.jar --type=CVS --default

Once you have default.cfg, copy it to yourconfig.cfg and then customize it as needed for the conversion.

Core converter settings.

The following settings appear at the top of the configuration file and are automatically defined at the time of generation. The Core converter settings should not be modified.

  1. Configuration file schema version. Used to identify older configuration formats.

  2. SCM conversion type. Either set SVN or CVS configuration options.

  3. Reserved for testing framework. Must be set to false for normal operation.

  4. Conversion tool's release version.
