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Labeling CVS Paths

CVS will tag revisions with symbols, some of these symbols may refer to labels, whilst others are branch names. If labeling is disabled (default), then only symbols with history are converted to Perforce branches, the remaining symbols are ignored. However, if labels are enabled then the remaining symbols from the branch detection are converted to Perforce Labels.

  1. To enable labeling of CVS symbols tags, set the com.p4convert.cvs.labels to true.

  2. In multiple CVS conversions there is the potential for namespace clashing if the label has been previously used. By default, the converter will use the CVS symbol as the name for the Perforce label. However, this can be formatted by setting the following option: com.p4convert.cvs.labelFormat. The parameter {symbol} will be substituted by the CVS symbol name.

    For example:


    Will import a CVS symbol called REL1.0 as a Perforce label import_REL1.0_label.