Reading time: about 1 minute (178 words)


System Requirements

  1. [SVN] an unzipped Subversion dump file of the repository to be converted (generated without the --delta flag).

  2. [CVS] an unzipped CVSROOT directory containing the RCS files of the repository to be converted.

  3. System must have Java SE Runtime 7 or greater.

  4. System must have the Perforce Server binaries 2010.2 or greater.

  5. [Import Mode] A running Perforce Server (typically empty) with no pending changes in the conversion area.

  6. [Convert Mode] An empty Perforce Root directory for the generated archive and journal files.

Resource Tips:

Running some conversions, particularly in Conversion Mode can be very memory intensive, as a mapping of revisions and integrations is kept in memory. For large conversions, or conversions with excessive branching, more memory will needed by the JVM.

The --info option will scan the Subversion dump file and report usage data to help estimate the required memory for Convert Mode. For example:

java -jar p4convert.jar --type=SVN --repo=<path_to_svn_dumpfile> --info 

Use the -Xmx flags to increase the memory allocated to the JVM. For example, to allocate 64GB (65536MB) use:

java -Xmx65536M -jar p4convert.jar --config=myConfig.cfg