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Keyword Expansion Issues:

The conversion process preserves keyword file types and sets these files in Perforce with the +k modifier. However keywords in Subversion and Perforce are expanded differently. For example: In Subversion the keyword $Revision$ expands to:

$Revision: 25005 $		(a change number in Perforce)

Another example is the keyword $Date$, which in Subversion gives you the time as well...

$Date: 2006-02-17 12:09:10 +0000 (Fri, 17 Feb 2006) $

and in Perforce...

$Date: 2006/02/17 $

Here is a list of alternatives, (based on the above example):

$Revision$    ==> $Change$	gives	$Change: 25005 $
$Date$        ==> $DateTime$	gives	$DateTime: 2006/02/17 12:09:10 $

Due to the differences in keyword expansion the MD5 sum in Subversion is not valid for use in Perforce. This is why any keyword expanded files have an empty MD5 sum and why the p4 verify -u //... command is recommended in the 'Optional Steps' section.