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General CVS converter settings.

If the configuration file has been correctly generated using the --type=CVS --default the CVS configuration options will appear as a block using the com.p4convert.cvs name space. These settings will only apply if the SCM mode is set to CVS:


  1. Local path to CVSROOT files. (A deeper path is permitted to limit the scope of the import).

  2. (Optionally) specify a CVS module to import from within the CVSROOT.

  3. CVS time window. When no commitid is defined in the RCS file, the converter will calculate which revisions should be grouped into a changelist. The time window specifies the maximum range the converter should look ahead for matching revisions. (milliseconds)

  4. CVS temporary directory. All the CVS assets are reformatted into full text files. The specified temporary directory is used to store the content during conversion.
