p4 repo (graph)

Create, edit, or delete a repo specification.


For depots of type graph only.


p4 [g-opts] repo [-d | -i] [-f] reponame
p4 repo -o reponame



An administrator is the owner, or a user that has been granted the admin permission for that specific graph depot or repo.

Such an administrator uses this command to create, edit, or delete a repo that stores files from Git users.

By default, the editor configured by the $P4EDITOR environment variable displays the repo specification, which you can save immediately, or after making edits.

To create a repo, you must be an admin, be the owner of the graph depot, or have the create-repo permission. For details about permissions, see p4 grant-permission.


It is a best practice when you create a repo to set the default branch. See "Specify a default branch" in the Helix4Git Administrator Guide.


-d reponame

Delete the repo, including the files it contains. The name of a repo cannot be the same as the name of a branch, client workspace, or label.


The Helix Server cannot retrieve a deleted repo.


Enable any user with the admin privilege to force a change, such as to delete the repo or change its owner. By default, a repo can be deleted only by the owner.


Read a repo specification from standard input.

-o reponame

Write a repo specification to standard output.


See Global options.

Form Fields

Field Name Description


The name of this repo.


The user who created this repo.


The date this specification was created.


The date of the last push to this repo.


The name of the repo from which this repo was forked.


A short description of the repo (optional).


Upstream URL this read-only repo is mirrored from.


The default branch to clone, such as refs/heads/master.


To create a repo, //graphDepot1/repo8, within the depot of type graph, graphDepot1, that already exists:

p4 repo //graphDepot1/repo8

To create a repo directly from the command line, without having to use the spec editor:

p4 repo -o //graphDepot1/repo8 | p4 repo -i

To delete a repo named //graphDepot1/repo8:

p4 repo -d //graphDepot1/repo8

You will be prompted to use the -f option to force deletion:

p4 repo -f -d //graphDepot1/repo8

Related Commands

To list the repos known to Helix Server

p4 repos

To list all depots known to Helix Server

p4 depots