p4 depots

Display a list of depots known to the Helix Server.


p4 [g-opts] depots [[-e|-E] nameFilter] -t type]


Display a list of depots.

If a depot is excluded in the protections table for a given user, that user does not see the depot in the output of this command.

Operator users can run this command. (To learn about operator users, see the p4 user usage notes.)


-e nameFilter

Lists depot specs with a name that matches the nameFilter pattern.

p4 depots -e h*x*

finds depots with names like helix and hxadm

This option follows the case-sensitivity of the server.

-E nameFilter

Makes the matching case-insensitive, even on a case-sensitive server.

-t type

List only the depots of the specified type


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required





To list the depots of all types:

p4 depots

To list the depots of a specific type:

p4 depots -t remote
p4 depots -t local
p4 depots -t streams
p4 depots -t spec
p4 depots -t archive
p4 depots -t graph

Related Commands

To create a remote depot or a new local depot

p4 depot

To remove all traces of a file from a depot

p4 obliterate