p4 repos (graph)

Display a list of repos.


For depots of type graph only.


p4 [g-opts] repos [ [-e|-E] nameFilter] [-m maximum] [-u userName] [-O ownerName] ]


This command allows a user to get a list of the repos to which that user has at least the read permission. See p4 grant-permission.

The user can search the list by using an optional name filter.

The listing contains the name, owner, creation timestamp, and creator:

Name Owner Creation Timestamp Creator



2017/01/30 14:58:01

Created by bruno.


-e nameFilter

Lists repo specs with a name that matches the nameFilter pattern.

p4 repos -e //graphDepotName/repoName

See Examples.

This option follows the case-sensitivity of the server.

-E nameFilter

Makes the matching case-insensitive, even on a case-sensitive server.


Maximum: Limits output to the specified number of repo specs. For example, p4 repos -m 5 displays the first five repos.


Owner: Limits output to repos owned by the specified user or group. For example, p4 repos -O bruno -m 5 displays the first five repos for which bruno is the owner.


Limits output to those repos that can be read by the specified user or group.


See Global options.


To determine which repos belong to depots where the depot name begins with "gra" and the repo name begins with "rep":

p4 repos -e //gra.../rep...

To determine which repos belong to depots where the depot name contains "d", and the repo name begins with "g" and contains "m", use the asterisk wildcard:

p4 repos -e "//*e*/t*o*"

To determine which repos have a name that ends with gameRepo1:

p4 repos -e "*gameRepo1"

To determine which repos have Bruno as owner and Gale as user with read permission:

p4 repos -O bruno -u gale

Related Commands

To create a repo

p4 repo