What’s new

This section provides a summary with links to topics in this reference. For a complete list of what's new in this release, see the Release Notes.

2018.2 release

2018.1 Patch release

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

For help on multi-factor authentication:

This feature is currently supported for most Helix Core Server clients, including:

  • Swarm 2018.1
  • The 2018.2 releases of P4V, P4Eclipse, P4VS, and P4EXP
Graph depot commands

Commands to read or write against Git repos stored in the Helix Server within a Graph Depot are no longer in Tech Preview. See Graph depot commands.

Configurables To see whether changing the value of a given configurable requires stopping the server, in that configurable's details look for "After you change the value of this configurable, you must explicitly "stop" the server." For an example, see ssl.tls.version.min.

2018.1 release

Area Feature
graph depot
Configurables - alphabetical list
  • rpl.journalcopy.location be useful in a distributed environment. For details, see the Multi-Site Deployment guide on Configuring a read-only replica.
  • To prevent p4 info from exposing sensitive fields, consider using dm.info.hide.
  • p4 configure set now notifies you when you attempt to set a numeric configurable to a value outside of the acceptable range.
    Previously, a value below the minimum was silently altered to the minimum, and a value above the maximum was silently altered to the maximum. (Configurables already set outside the acceptable ranges will continue to be silently altered.)
  • To prevent users from being created if they would have no permissions on the server, you can configure auth.ldap.userautocreate
  • Additional security is available by using auth.tickets.nounlocked

  • filesys.checklinks supports an additional value, 3

p4 admin

For fail-over scenarios, the p4 admin end-journal command can be useful. See that command's Examples
p4 keys p4 keys -e nameFilter supports a period in key names
p4 stream

Stream path definitions can include a wildcard in the final expression of a path, following the last slash. You can use this feature to refer to a collection of files, such as path_type pattern/to/....exe or path_type pattern/to/*.txt
For examples, see theTo manage files of similar file-type in your stream specs, consider using wildcards (... and *) explicitly following the final slash in the path definition:

Second factor authentication

For details and examples, see the p4 help 2fa documentation and the Support Knowledgebase article, "Second Factor Authentication Support".

Please note that not all client applications have added support for second factor authentication yet.

LDAP You can track the activity of p4 ldapsync. See ldapsync.csv at p4 logparse.

2017.2 release

New specification fields

p4 pull accepts the --batch, --min-size, --max-size, and --trigger options, as well as -R for retry, and -l or -ls to list submits in an Edge server to be replicated to the Commit server

p4 shelve accepts the --parallel option

New commands

p4 bgtask to run background commands

p4 login2 for second factor authentication

New configurables

lbr.replica.notransfer net.parallel.sync.svrthreads
net.parallel.shelve.batch pull.trigger.dir
net.parallel.shelve.min rpl.submit.nocopy

Updated configurable

filesys.checklinks allows directory symlinks to be added or reconciled by using the value 3