p4 logparse
Parse a structured log file and return log data.
p4 [g-opts] logparse [-e] [-T fields...] [-F filter] [-s offset] [-m max] logfile
The p4 logparse
command parses the indicated
structured logfile and returns the log data in tagged format.
Structured logs differ from the basic error log (P4LOG
) and audit log (P4AUDIT
). To read the basic error
log, use the p4 logtail
Valid names for structured log files:
All loggable events (commands, errors, audit, etc.) |
Audit events (audit, purge) |
Information about user login attempts. |
Command events (command start, command compute, command end) |
Error events (errors-failed, errors-fatal) |
Server events (startup, shutdown, checkpoint, journal rotation, etc.) |
Activity of p4 ldapsync |
Major events that occur during replica integrity checking. |
Command tracking (track-usage, track-rpc, track-db) |
User events, with one record every time a user runs |
To enable structured logging, set the
configurable(s) to the
name of the file. For example:n
$ p4 configure set serverlog.file.2=commands.csv
$ p4 configure set serverlog.file.3=errors.csv
$ p4 configure set serverlog.file.5=audit.csv
Numbers provided for the configurables do not have to be consecutive. A given number cannot exceed 500, so the following assignment returns an error:
$ p4 configure set serverlog.file.666=commands.csv
Structured log files are automatically rotated on checkpoint, journal
creation, overflow of associated
limit (if configured),
and the n
p4 logrotate
Display special characters as hex-encodings. |
Limit output to records that match the filter pattern. |
Limit the number of lines returned. |
Start parsing at the given file offset as returned in the
Limit displayed fields to those listed. |
See Global options. |
Usage Notes
Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? | Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? | Minimal Access Level Required |
N/A |
N/A |
To match the contents of a particular field, use the field=word syntax. Logical operators & (AND), | (OR), ^ (not), and () (grouping) can
also be used. Spaces are treated as a low-precedence AND operator
OR (|) operator to get the event type and date for both user bruno and user admin: p4 logparse -T 'f_user f_eventtype f_date' -F 'f_user=bruno | f_user=admin' errors.csv |
AND (&) operator, NOT (^) operator to get event type and date while excluding the user admin: p4 logparse -T 'f_user f_eventtype f_date' -F 'f_eventtype=4 & ^f_user=admin ' errors.csv The ^ operator can be used only in conjunction with the & or space operators. |
wildcard (*) operator matches anything, so mar* will match mary, maria, mark, marcy, marcus: p4 logparse -T 'f_user f_eventtype f_date' -F 'f_user=mar*' errors.csv |
Related Commands
To add entries to the log so that p4 logparse can find them, |