Flags for the filelog command.

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: p4api.net (in p4api.net.dll) Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public enum FileLogCmdFlags
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration FileLogCmdFlags
Visual C++
public enum class FileLogCmdFlags


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
IncludeInherited1 The -i flag, includes inherited file history. If a file was created by branching (using 'p4 integrate'), filelog lists the revisions of the file's ancestors up to the branch points that led to the specified revision. File history inherited by renaming (using 'p4 move') is always displayed regardless of whether -i is specified.
DisplayContentHistory2 The -h flag, displays file content history instead of file name history. The list includes revisions of other files that were branched or copied (using 'p4 integrate' and 'p4 resolve -at') to the specified revision. Revisions that were replaced by copying or branching are omitted, even if they are part of the history of the specified revision.
IncludeTime4 The -t flag, displays the time as well as the date.
LongOutput8 The -l flag lists the full text of the changelist descriptions.
TruncatedLongOutput16 The -L flag lists the full text of the changelist descriptions, truncated to 250 characters if longer.
ShortForm32 The -s flag displays a shortened form of filelog that omits non-contributory integrations.

See Also