
  Class Description
Public class ActionVersion
A revision specifier that is a file action.
Public class AddFilesCmdOptions
Add command options
Public class BranchCmdOptions
Branch command options
Public class BranchesCmdOptions
Branches command options
Public class BranchSpec
A branch view specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class ChangeCmdOptions
Change command options.
Public class Changelist
A changelist specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class ChangelistIdVersion
A revision specifier that is a changelist id.
Public class ChangesCmdOptions
Changes command options.
Public class Client
A client specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class ClientCmdOptions
Client command options
Public class ClientMetadata
Metadata from the client associated with a connection.
Public class ClientNameVersion
A revision specifier that is a client name.
Public class ClientPath
A path spec in client syntax.
Public class ClientsCmdOptions
Clients command options
Public class ClientSubmitOptions
Client options that define what to do with files upon submit.
Public class Connection
Represents the logical connection between a specific Perforce Server instance and a specific client application.
Public class CopyFilesCmdOptions
Copy command options.
Public class Counter
A general-purpose counter or named variable in a Perforce repository.
Public class CoutnerCmdOptions
Counter command options
Public class Credential
Specifies user credentials for a specific connection.
Public class DateTimeVersion
A revision specifier that is a date and time.
Public class DeleteFilesCmdOptions
delete command options
Public class Depot
A depot specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class DepotCmdOptions
depot command options
Public class DepotFileDiff
A diff between depot files in a Perforce repository.
Public class DepotPath
A path spec in depot syntax.
Public class DescribeCmdOptions
Options for the Describe command
Public class EditCmdOptions
Options for the edit command
Public class File
A versioned object that describes an individual file in a Perforce repository.
Public class FileAnnotation
Correlates file lines with revision information.
Public class FileHistory
Describes a Perforce file revision in detail, including the changelist number and associated description, action, user, etc. data.
Public class FileIntegrationRecord
Represents submitted or pending integrations.
Public class FileLineMatch
Specifies matching lines in Perforce managed files.
Public class FilelogCmdOptions
Options for the filelog command.
Public class FileMetaData
Metadata for a specific file stored in a Perforce repository.
Public class FileResolveAction
Describes how, or if a file has been resolved.
Public class FileResolveRecord
Specifies how file resolve operations were completed or will potentially be completed.
Public class FilesCmdOptions
Files command options
Public class FileSpec
Identifies one or more specific versioned objects in a Perforce repository.
Public class FileSubmitRecord
Describes file submitted and file action performed.
Public class FileType
Specifies a Perforce file type for a managed file.
Public class Fix
Specifies a fix relationship between one or more jobs and one or more changelists.
Public class FixJobsCmdOptions
Fix command options.
Public class FormBase
Describes fields and comments in a Perforce specification.
Public class FormSpec
Specifies structural and semantic metadata for form types.
Public class GetDepotDirsCmdOptions
dirs command options
Public class GetDepotFileDiffsCmdOptions
Diff2 command options
Public class GetDepotFilesCmdOptions
Options for the files command
Public class GetFileAnnotationsCmdOptions
Annotate command options
Public class GetFileContentsCmdOptions
Print command options
Public class GetFileHistoryCmdOptions
Filelog command options
Public class GetFileLineMatchesCmdOptions
Grep command options
Public class GetFileMetaDataCmdOptions
GetFileMetaData options (uses the fstat command)
Public class GetFixesCmdOptions
Fixes command options
Public class GetOpenedFilesOptions
GetOpenedFiles options
Public class GetProtectionEntriesCmdOptions
Protects command options
Public class GetProtectionTableCmdOptions
protect command options
Public class GetReviewersCmdOptions
Reviews command options
Public class GetStreamMetaDataCmdOptions
GetStreamMetaData command options
Public class GetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdOptions
Integrated command options
Public class GetTriggerTableCmdOptions
Triggers command options
Public class GetTypeMapCmdOptions
GetTypeMap command options
Public class Group
A user group on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 Group spec.
Public class GroupCmdOptions
Group command options.
Public class GroupsCmdOptions
Groups command options.
Public class HaveRevision
A revision specifier #have.
Public class HeadRevision
A revision specifier #head.
Public class InfoCmdOptions
Options for the Trust command
Public class IntegrateFilesCmdOptions
Integrate command options
Public class Job
A Job in the Repository.
Public class JobCmdOptions
Job command options
Public class JobsCmdOptions
Jobs command options
Public class Label
A label specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class LabelCmdOptions
Label command options
Public class LabelNameVersion
A revision specifier that is a label name.
Public class LabelsCmdOptions
Labels command options
Public class LabelSyncCmdOptions
Labelsync command options
Public class LocalPath
A path spec in local syntax.
Public class LockCmdOptions
Lock command options
Public class LogFile
Generic interface used to an event logger. In short, messages are logged by: 1) Level. The lower the level, the more sever the level, 0 fatal 1 error 2 warning 3 information 4+ debugging messages 2) Source. A string specifying the origin of the message, ie P4Server 3) Message. The text of the message.
Public class LoginCmdOptions
Options for the login command.
Public class LogoutCmdOptions
Options for the logout command.
Public class MapEntry
A single entry in a view map.
Public class MergeFilesCmdOptions
Merge command options.
Public class MoveCmdOptions
Move command options
Public class NoneRevision
A revision specifier #none.
Public class Options
A generic list of command options and values.
Public class OtherFileUser
Class summarizing the use of this file by another user.
Public class OtherUsers
Specifies other users who have a particular file open.
Public class P4CallBacks
Class wrapper for the definitions of delegates required to model the callbacks from the bridge dll.
Public class P4CantCloseConnectionException
Specialized Exception for Can't close exception
Public class P4ClientError
Class used to return a single error or warning from the bridge dll.
Public class P4ClientErrorList
Class used to return a list of errors and warnings returned by a command.
Public class P4ClientInfoMessage
Class used to return a info message from the bridge dll.
Public class P4ClientInfoMessageList
Class used to return a list of info Messages returned by a command.
Public class P4ClientMerge
ClientMerge object - retains state
Public class P4ClientResolve
Class containing the DLL imports for the P4Bridge DLL.
Public class P4Command
Class wrapping command execution.
Public class P4CommandCanceledException
Specialized Exception for canceled command
Public class P4CommandResult
Class representing the results of executing a command on a Perforce Server.
Public class P4CommandTimeOutException
Specialized Exception for command time out
Public class P4Debugging
Public class P4Exception
Base class for exceptions caused by run time errors from the server. They can be disabled, by setting the MinThrowLevel to ErrorSeverity.E_NOEXC.
Public class P4HungCommandCancelException
Specialized Exception for Hung command
Public class P4LostConnectionException
Specialized Exception for lost connection
Public class P4MapApi
P4MapApi: .NET wrapper for the MapApi object in the p4api dll.
Public class P4Server
P4Server Represents the connection to a Perforce Server using the the P4 Bridge DLL. It wraps the calls exported by the DLL and transforms the data types exported by the DLL as native C#.NET data types.
Public class P4Server..::..CmdContactTimer
Public class P4TrustException
Specialized Exception to handle Trust failures
Public class PathSpec
Describes the path and path type in a file spec.
Public class ProtectionEntry
Describes a protection entry (line) in a Perforce protection table.
Public class ProtectionTable
Specifies resource access privileges for Perforce users for a specific Perforce repository.
Public class ReconcileCmdOptions
Reconcile command options.
Public class ReopenCmdOptions
Options for the reopen command.
Public class Repository
Represents a Perforce server and connection.
Public class ResolveAnalysis
Public class ResolveCmdOptions
Options for the resolve command.
Public class ResolvedCmdOptions
Options for Resolve command
Public class RevertCmdOptions
Public class Revision
A revision specifier that is a single revision.
Public class RevisionIntegrationSummary
Describes an integration, specifying the from file and how the integration was done.
Public class Server
Represents a specific Perforce server.
Public class ServerAddress
The address of the Perforce server.
Public class ServerLicense
The Perforce server's license information.
Public class ServerMetaData
Defines useful metadata about a Perforce server.
Public class ServerMetaData..::..ServerTimeZone
Defines the UTC offset for the server.
Public class ServerVersion
The Perforce server's version information.
Public class ShelvedFile
Shelved file information from a Describe -S command
Public class ShelvedInChangelistIdVersion
A revision specifier for a file that is shelved in a changelist id.
Public class ShelveFilesCmdOptions
Shelve command options.
Public class SimpleList<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public class SimpleListItem<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Public class SpecField
Class representing a field in a FormSpec.
Public class Stream
A stream specification in a Perforce repository.
Public class StreamCmdOptions
Stream command options
Public class StreamMetaData
Public class StreamsCmdOptions
Streams command options
Public class StringList
Augment String List used mostly for passing of parameters to command.
Public class SubmitCmdOptions
Submit command options
Public class SubmitResults
Describes the results for a submit operation on one or more files.
Public class SyncFilesCmdOptions
Sync command options.
Public class TagCmdOptions
Tag command options
Public class TaggedInfoItem
Base class for objects returned by a command as 'tagged' data.
Public class TaggedObject
The tagged output of a command.
Public class TaggedObjectList
A list of tagged objects.
Public class Trigger
Describes an individual entry in the trigger table.
Public class TriggerTable
Defines triggers on Perforce events.
Public class TrustCmdOptions
Options for the Trust command
Public class TypeMap
Defines a Perforce repository's default mapping between file names or locations and file types.
Public class TypeMapEntry
Describes an individual entry in the Perforce repository's typemap.
Public class UnlockFilesCmdOptions
Unlock command options.
Public class UnshelveFilesCmdOptions
Unshelve command options.
Public class User
A user on a Perforce Server, represented by a P4 User spec.
Public class UserCmdOptions
User command options.
Public class UsersCmdOptions
Users command options
Public class VersionRange
A revision range specifier consisting of a lower and upper revision.
Public class VersionSpec
Identifies a specific revision or revision range of a Perforce managed SCM resource.
Public class ViewMap
Maps one or more Perforce file specs to zero, one, or more other Perforce file specs.


  Interface Description
Public interface IKeepAlive
Allows a client to monitor the execution of a command. It allow the client to cancel the command if it takes to long to complete or display a UI to allow the user to cancel the command.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate Client..::..AutoResolveDelegate
Delegate used for AutoResolve
Public delegate Client..::..ResolveFileDelegate
Delegate used for detailed Resolve
Public delegate LogFile..::..LogMessageDelgate
A user defined Logging Delegate should use this prototype
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..BinaryResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the binary results callback.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..ErrorDelegate
Delegate definition for the error callback.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..InfoResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the info results callback.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..LogMessageDelegate
Delegate definition for the Logging callback from the dll.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..PromptDelegate
Delegate definition for the prompt callback.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..ResolveADelegate
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientResolve object.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..ResolveDelegate
Delegate definition for the Resolve callback passing a CLientMerge object.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..TaggedOutputDelegate
Delegate definition for the tagged output delegate.
Public delegate P4CallBacks..::..TextResultsDelegate
Delegate definition for the text results callback.
Public delegate P4Server..::..BinaryResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send binary output as it is generated.
Public delegate P4Server..::..CommandEchoDelegate
Delegate used to commands as they are executed.
Public delegate P4Server..::..ErrorDelegate
Delegate used to send errors as they are generated.
Public delegate P4Server..::..InfoResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send Info Results as they are generated.
Public delegate P4Server..::..PromptHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for input prompts from the p4api.
Public delegate P4Server..::..ResolveAHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientResolve object from the p4api.
Public delegate P4Server..::..ResolveHandlerDelegate
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientMerge object from the p4api.
Public delegate P4Server..::..TaggedOutputDelegate
Delegate used to send tagged output as it is generated.
Public delegate P4Server..::..TextResultsDelegate
Delegate used to send Text Results as they are generated.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AddFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the add command.
Public enumeration BaseFileType
Flags to define the base file type.
Public enumeration BranchSpecCmdFlags
Flags for the branch command.
Public enumeration BranchSpecsCmdFlags
Flags for the branches command.
Public enumeration ChangeCmdFlags
Flags for the change command.
Public enumeration ChangeListStatus
Flags for the status of a changelist.
Public enumeration ChangesCmdFlags
Flags for the changes command.
Public enumeration ClientCmdFlags
Flags for the client command.
Public enumeration ClientOption
Flags to configure the client behavior.
Public enumeration ClientsCmdFlags
Flags for the clients command.
Public enumeration ConnectionStatus
Flags for the server connection status.
Public enumeration CopyFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the copy command.
Public enumeration CounterCmdFlags
Flags for the counter command.
Public enumeration DeleteFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the delete command.
Public enumeration DepotCmdFlags
Flags for the depot command.
Public enumeration DepotType
The type of the depot.
Public enumeration DescribeChangelistCmdFlags
Flags for the describe command.
Public enumeration DiffType
The types of diffs returned by the server.
Public enumeration DiffWhiteSpaceOptions
Diff whitespace options flags for "p4 diff"
Public enumeration EditFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the edit command.
Public enumeration EntryType
The type of protection (user or group).
Public enumeration ErrorGeneric
Error Categories
Public enumeration ErrorSeverity
Error severity levels.
Public enumeration ErrorSubsystem
Error Subsystem Categories
Public enumeration FileAction
Describes the pending or completed action related to open, resolve, or integration for a specific file.
Public enumeration FileLogCmdFlags
Flags for the filelog command.
Public enumeration FilesCmdFlags
Flags for the files command.
Public enumeration FileTypeModifier
Flags to specify file type modifiers.
Public enumeration FixAction
The fix action (Fixed or Unfixed).
Public enumeration FixJobsCmdFlags
Flags for the fix command.
Public enumeration GetDepotDirsCmdFlags
Flags for the dirs command.
Public enumeration GetDepotFileDiffsCmdFlags
Flags for the diff2 command.
Public enumeration GetDepotFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the files command.
Public enumeration GetFileAnnotationsCmdFlags
Flags for the annotate command.
Public enumeration GetFileContentsCmdFlags
Flags for the print command.
Public enumeration GetFileHistoryCmdFlags
Flags for the filelog command.
Public enumeration GetFileLineMatchesCmdFlags
Flags for the grep command.
Public enumeration GetFileMetadataCmdFlags
Flags for the fstat command.
Public enumeration GetFixesCmdFlags
Flags for the fixes command.
Public enumeration GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the opened command.
Public enumeration GetProtectionEntriesCmdFlags
Flags for the protects command.
Public enumeration GetProtectionTableCmdFlags
Flags for the protect command.
Public enumeration GetResolvedFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the resolved command.
Public enumeration GetReviewersCmdFlags
Flags for the reviews command.
Public enumeration GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags
Flags for the istat command.
Public enumeration GetSubmittedIntegrationsCmdFlags
Flags for the integrated command.
Public enumeration GetTriggerTableCmdFlags
Flags for the triggers command.
Public enumeration GetTypeMapCmdFlags
Flags for the typemap command.
Public enumeration GroupCmdFlags
Flags for the group command.
Public enumeration GroupsCmdFlags
Flags for the groups command.
Public enumeration InfoCmdFlags
Flags for the info command.
Public enumeration IntegrateFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the integrate command.
Public enumeration JobCmdFlags
Flags for the job command.
Public enumeration JobsCmdFlags
Flags for the jobs command.
Public enumeration LabelCmdFlags
Flags for the label command.
Public enumeration LabelsCmdFlags
Flags for the labels command.
Public enumeration LabelSyncCmdFlags
Flags for the label sync command.
Public enumeration LineEnd
Sets line-ending character(s) for client text files.
Public enumeration LoginCmdFlags
Flags for the login command.
Public enumeration LogoutCmdFlags
Flags for the logout command.
Public enumeration MapType
Describes the mapping type.
Public enumeration MatchType
Specifies whether this line match is an exact match, or a context (before or after) match.
Public enumeration MergeFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the merge command.
Public enumeration MoveFileCmdFlags
Flags for the move command.
Public enumeration P4ClientMerge..::..MergeForce
Options for Merge
Public enumeration P4ClientMerge..::..MergeStatus
Status of merge
Public enumeration P4ClientMerge..::..MergeType
Type of merge
Public enumeration P4MapApi..::..Direction
Specify the direction to perform the mapping.
Public enumeration P4MapApi..::..Type
Type of the map entry, Include, Exclude, Overlay.
Public enumeration ProtectionMode
The protection mode or rights associated with this entry.
Public enumeration ReconcileFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the reconcile command.
Public enumeration ResolveAction
The action used in resolving the file.
Public enumeration ResolveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the resolve command.
Public enumeration ResolveOptions
Public enumeration ResolveSubtype
Public enumeration ResolveType
Public enumeration RevertFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the revert command.
Public enumeration ServerState
The current state of a specific server.
Public enumeration ShelveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the shelve command.
Public enumeration SpecFieldDataType
Field Data Type for a field in a form specification.
Public enumeration SpecFieldFieldType
Field Type for a field in a form specification.
Public enumeration StreamCmdFlags
Flags for the stream command.
Public enumeration StreamMetaData..::..IntegAction
Public enumeration StreamOption
Flags to configure stream behavior.
Public enumeration StreamsCmdFlags
Flags for the streams command.
Public enumeration StreamType
Defines the expected flow of change between a stream and its parent.
Public enumeration StringEnumCase
Defines the case for the StringEnum.
Public enumeration SubmitFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the submit command.
Public enumeration SubmitType
Flags to change submit behavior.
Public enumeration SyncFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the sync command.
Public enumeration TagFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the tag command.
Public enumeration TriggerType
Defines whent he trigger is to execute.
Public enumeration TrustCmdFlags
Flags for the trust command.
Public enumeration UnlockFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the unlock command.
Public enumeration UnshelveFilesCmdFlags
Flags for the unshelve command.
Public enumeration UserCmdFlags
Flags for the user command.
Public enumeration UsersCmdFlags
Flags for the users command.
Public enumeration UserType
Defines the user type.