The FileMetaData type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Action
What is the current Action being performed on this file
Public property ActionOwner
Who is causing the current action to this file
Public property AttributeDigests
Dictionary of Attribute MD5 Digests
Public property Attributes
Dictionary of Attributes
Public property AttributesProp
Dictionary of Attribute Properties
Public property Change
Change ID
Public property ClientPath
The location of the file relative to client root a ClientPath
Public property DepotPath
The location of the file in the depot
Public property Desc
Public property Digest
MD5 Digest for this file
Public property Directory
Directory containing this file
Public property FileSize
Size of the file
Public property HaveRev
What revision do you have?
Public property HeadAction
What was the last action done on this file?
Public property HeadChange
What Change Id is associated with Head revision
Public property HeadModTime
What is the last modification time of the head revision
Public property HeadRev
What revision is the Head revision
Public property HeadTime
What is the creation time of the head revision
Public property HeadType
What is the FileType of the Head Revision
Public property IsInClient
Check if there is a non empty ClientPath
Public property IsInDepot
Check if there is a non-empty Depot Path
Public property IsMapped
Is this file mapped in the client/workspace?
Public property IsStale
Checks if the currently synced file is not at the latest revision
Public property LocalPath
The location of the file in the client's file system, a LocalPath
Public property MovedFile
Access the DepotPath of the Moved File
Public property MovedRev
What revision was moved?
Public property OpenAttributes
Dictionary of Open Attributes
Public property OpenAttributesProp
Dictionary of Open Attributes Properties
Public property OtherActions
List of Actions by other users
Public property OtherChanges
List of other change IDs
Public property OtherLock
Does someone else have this file locked?
Public property OtherLockUserClients
List of Other Locks Clients
Public property OtherOpen
How many others have this file open?
Public property OtherOpenUserClients
List of other clients which have this file open
Public property OtherUsers
Other Users of this file
Public property OurLock
Do we have this file locked?
Public property Reresolvable
Is this file Re Resolvable?
Public property Resolved
Is this file Resolved?
Public property ResolveRecords
List of Resolve records
Public property Shelved
Is this file shelved
Public property TotalFileCount
Total File count
Public property Type
What is the File Type of this file
Public property Unresolved
Is this file Unresolved?

See Also