The Client type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Accessed
Property for when the Client was last accessed
Public property AltRoots
A List of Alternate Roots
Public property Description
Property to access Description of Client
Public property Host
Property to access Host of Client
Public property Initialized
Property is true if this Client has been initialized from the server
Public property LineEnd
Property to access line ending settings
Public property Name
Property to access Name of Client
Public property Options
Options for the Client command
Public property OwnerName
Property to access Owner of Client
Public property Root
Property for the Client root directory
Public property ServerID
Associated Server
Public property Spec
Form Specification for the Client
Public property Stream
Stream associated with client
Public property StreamAtChange
Stream at a specific change
Public property SubmitOptions
Options for the Client about submit behavior
Public property Updated
Property for when this Client was updated
Public property ViewMap
View Mapping

See Also