The FileSpec type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ClientSpec(String)
Get a Filespec from a ClientSpec path
Public method Static member ClientSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given Client path and VersionSpec
Public method Static member ClientSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given client path and revision
Public method Static member ClientSpecList
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of client paths
Public method Static member DepotSpec(String)
Create a FileSpec given a depotpath
Public method Static member DepotSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given a depot path and VersionSpec
Public method Static member DepotSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given a depot path and revision
Public method Static member DepotSpecList
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of depot paths
Public method Equals
Compare this FileSpec with another
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode
Get the hashcode for this FileSpec
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member LocalSpec(String)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path
Public method Static member LocalSpec(String, VersionSpec)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path and VersionSpec
Public method Static member LocalSpec(String, Int32)
Create a FileSpec given a local file path and revision
Public method Static member LocalSpecArray(IList<(Of <<'(String>)>>))
Create an array of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public method Static member LocalSpecArray(array<String>[]()[][])
Create an array of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public method Static member LocalSpecList(IList<(Of <<'(String>)>>))
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Public method Static member LocalSpecList(array<String>[]()[][])
Create a list of FileSpec objects from a list of local paths
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method StripVersion
Create a copy of a filespec without a version
Public method Static member ToEscapedLocalPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the local paths escaped for special characters
Public method Static member ToEscapedPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the paths escaped for special characters
Public method ToEscapedString
Create an Perforce excaped string describing this FileSpec
Public method Static member ToEscapedStrings(array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array with the paths escaped for special characters
Public method Static member ToEscapedStrings(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>))
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array with the paths escaped for special characters
Public method Static member ToPaths
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array containing the paths.
Public method ToString()()()()
Create a string representing a FileSpec
(Overrides Object..::..ToString()()()().)
Public method ToString(Type)
Create a descriptive string for this FileSpec of the specified Type
Public method Static member ToStrings(array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array.
Public method Static member ToStrings(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>))
Copy the non-null entries into a new string array.
Public method Static member UnversionedSpecList
Copies a list of FileSpec objects without vesions

See Also