The File type exposes the following members.



  Name Description
Public method Equals
Compare this FileSpec with another
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member FromFilesCmdTaggedData
Return a File from a parsed Tagged Object
Public method GetHashCode
Get the hashcode for this FileSpec
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method ParseFilesCmdTaggedData
Given a Tagged object from the server, instantiate this File from the object
Public method StripVersion
Create a copy of a filespec without a version
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public method ToEscapedString
Create an Perforce excaped string describing this FileSpec
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public method ToString()()()()
Create a string representing a FileSpec
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public method ToString(Type)
Create a descriptive string for this FileSpec of the specified Type
(Inherited from FileSpec.)


  Name Description
Public field Action
Last Action taken on this file
Public field ChangeId
What change contains this file?
Public field Client
The client/workspace name which contains this file.
Public field HaveRev
The revision of this file which is in the client/workspace
Public field SubmitTime
DateTime when file was last submitted
Public field Type
FileType of the file
Public field User
The user which created this file


  Name Description
Public property ClientPath
Gets or sets the client path
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public property DepotPath
Gets or sets the depot path
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public property LocalPath
Gets or sets the Local path
(Inherited from FileSpec.)
Public property Version
Gets or sets the VersionSpec
(Inherited from FileSpec.)

See Also