IAttributeDelegator |
Delegator class for the Java API version of the p4 attribute command.
IBranchDelegator |
IBranchesDelegator |
IChangeDelegator |
Interface for ChangeDelegator implementations.
IChangesDelegator |
Interface for a ChangesDelegator implementation.
IClientDelegator |
IClientsDelegator |
ICommitDelegator |
IConfigureDelegator |
Interface for a ConfigureDelegator implementation.
ICounterDelegator |
ICountersDelegator |
Defintion of the counters comamnds supported in P4Java.
IDBSchemaDelegator |
Interface for DBSchemaDelegator implementations.
IDepotDelegator |
Interface for a DepotDelegator implementation.
IDepotsDelegator |
The Interface IDepotsDelegator.
IDescribeDelegator |
IDiff2Delegator |
IDirsDelegator |
Interface for an implementation to handle dirs command.
IDiskspaceDelegator |
Interface to handle the Diskspace command.
IDuplicateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Duplicate command.
IExportDelegator |
Interface to handle the Export command.
IExtensionDelegator |
IFileAnnotateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Annotate command.
IFileLogDelegator |
Interface for FileLogDelegator implementations.
IFilesDelegator |
Interface for an implementation for 'p4 files'.
IFixDelegator |
Interface for implementations of 'p4 fix'.
IFixesDelegator |
Interface for the 'p4 fixes' command.
IFstatDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 fstat'.
IGraphCommitLogDelegator |
IGraphListTreeDelegator |
IGraphReceivePackDelegator |
IGraphRevListDelegator |
IGraphShowRefDelegator |
IGrepDelegator |
The Interface for 'p4 grep' implementations.
IGroupDelegator |
Define the supported p4 groups commands in p4java.
IGroupsDelegator |
Define the supported p4 groups commands in p4java.
IInfoDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 info'.
IIntegratedDelegator |
Interface for intregrations.
IInterchangesDelegator |
IJobDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 job'.
IJobsDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 jobs'.
IJobSpecDelegator |
Interface for jobspec commands.
IJournalWaitDelegator |
Interface for journal wait.
IKeyDelegator |
IKeysDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Keys command.
ILabelDelegator |
Interface to handle the Label command.
ILabelsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Labels command.
ILicenseDelegator |
ILogin2Delegator |
ILoginDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 login'.
ILogoutDelegator |
Inteface for 'p4 logout'.
ILogTailDelegator |
Inteface for log tail.
IMonitorDelegator |
Interface to handle the Monitor command.
IMoveDelegator |
Interface to handle the Move command.
IObliterateDelegator |
Interface to handle the Obliterate command.
IOpenedDelegator |
Interface for p4 opened.
IPasswdDelegator |
Implementation to handle the Passwd command.
IPrintDelegator |
Interface to handle the Print command.
IPropertyDelegator |
Interface to handle the Property command.
IProtectDelegator |
Interface to handle the Protect command.
IProtectsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Protects command.
IReloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reload command.
IRenameClientDelegator |
Interface to handle the RenameClient command.
IRenameUserDelegator |
Interface to handle the RenameUser command.
IReposDelegator |
IReviewDelegator |
Interface to handle the Review command.
IReviewsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Reviews command.
ISearchDelegator |
Interface to handle the Search command.
ISizesDelegator |
Interface to handle the Sizes command.
ISpecDelegator |
IStatDelegator |
Interface for 'p4 stat' imlementation.
IStreamDelegator |
Interface to handle the Stream command.
IStreamlogDelegator |
IStreamsDelegator |
Interface to handle the Streams command.
ITagDelegator |
Interface to handle the Tag command.
ITriggersDelegator |
Interface to handle the Triggers command.
IUndoDelegator |
IUnloadDelegator |
Interface to handle the Unload command.
IUserDelegator |
Interface to handle the User command.
IUsersDelegator |
Interface to handle the Users command.
IVerifyDelegator |
Interface to handle the Verify command.