Interface IInterchangesDelegator

    • Method Detail

      • getInterchanges

        java.util.List<IChangelist> getInterchanges​(IFileSpec fromFile,
                                                    IFileSpec toFile,
                                                    GetInterchangesOptions opts)
                                             throws P4JavaException
        Returns a list of changelists that have not been integrated from a set of source files to a set of target files.
        fromFile - if non-null, use this as the from-file specification.
        toFile - if non-null, use this as the to-file specification.
        opts - GetInterchangesOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        non-null (but possibly empty) list of qualifying changelists. Note that the changelists returned here may not have all fields set (only description, ID, date, user, and client are known to be properly set by the server for this command)
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.
      • getInterchanges

        java.util.List<IChangelist> getInterchanges​(java.lang.String branchSpecName,
                                                    java.util.List<IFileSpec> fromFileList,
                                                    java.util.List<IFileSpec> toFileList,
                                                    GetInterchangesOptions opts)
                                             throws P4JavaException
        Returns a list of changelists that have not been integrated from a set of source files to a set of target files.

        Note that depending on the specific options passed-in the fromFileList can be null or one file spec; the toFileList can be null, one or more file specs. The full semantics of this operation are found in the main 'p4 help interchanges' documentation.

        branchSpecName - if non-null and not empty, use this as the branch spec name.
        fromFileList - if non-null and not empty, and biDirectional is true, use this as the from file list.
        toFileList - if non-null and not empty, use this as the to file list.
        opts - GetInterchangesOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        non-null (but possibly empty) list of qualifying changelists. Note that the changelists returned here may not have all fields set (only description, ID, date, user, and client are known to be properly set by the server for this command)
        P4JavaException - if an error occurs processing this method and its parameters.