Clients command options.

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public Options(
	ClientsCmdFlags flags,
	string userName,
	string nameFilter,
	int maxItems,
	string stream
Visual Basic
Public Sub New ( _
	flags As ClientsCmdFlags, _
	userName As String, _
	nameFilter As String, _
	maxItems As Integer, _
	stream As String _
Visual C++
	ClientsCmdFlags flags, 
	String^ userName, 
	String^ nameFilter, 
	int maxItems, 
	String^ stream


Type: Perforce.P4..::..ClientsCmdFlags
Type: System..::..String
Type: System..::..String
Type: System..::..Int32
Type: System..::..String

Return Value


p4 help clients

clients -- Display list of clients
workspaces -- synonym for 'clients'

p4 clients [-t] [-u user] [[-e|-E] nameFilter -m max] [-S stream]
[-a | -s serverID]
p4 clients -U

Lists all client workspaces currently defined in the server.

The -t flag displays the time as well as the date.

The -u user flag lists client workspaces that are owned by the
specified user.

The -e nameFilter flag lists workspaces with a name that matches
the nameFilter pattern, for example: -e 'svr-dev-rel*'. The -e flag
uses the server's normal case-sensitivity rules. The -E flag makes
the matching case-insensitive, even on a case-sensitive server.

The -m max flag limits output to the specified number of workspaces.

The -S stream flag limits output to the client workspaces dedicated
to the stream.

The -U flag lists unloaded clients (see 'p4 help unload').

The -a flag specifies that all clients should be displayed, not just
those that are bound to this server.

The -s serverID flag specifies that only those clients bound to the
specified serverID should be displayed. On an Edge Server, the -s
flag defaults to the Edge Server's serverID.

See Also