A generic list of command options and values.
Options for the resolve command
Options for the stream command
Options for the streams command
Options for the istat command
Options for the branch command
Options for the branches command
Options for the label command
Options for the labels command
Options for the labels command
Options for the diff2 command
Options for GetOpenedFiles
Options for the fstat command
Options for the files command
Options for the dirs command
Options for the print command
Options for the filelog command
Options for the annotate command
Options for the fixes command
Options for the grep command
Options for the integrated command
Options for the protects command
Options for the reviews command
Options for the triggers command
Options for the typemap command
Options for the protect command
Options for the counter command

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: p4api.net (in p4api.net.dll) Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public class Options : Dictionary<string, string>
Visual Basic
Public Class Options _
	Inherits Dictionary(Of String, String)
Visual C++
public ref class Options : public Dictionary<String^, String^>


p4 help files

files -- List files in the depot

p4 files [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -e ] [ -m max ] file[revRange] ...
p4 files -U unloadfile ...

List details about specified files: depot file name, revision,
file, type, change action and changelist number of the current
head revision. If client syntax is used to specify the file
argument, the client view mapping is used to determine the
corresponding depot files.

By default, the head revision is listed. If the file argument
specifies a revision, then all files at that revision are listed.
If the file argument specifies a revision range, the highest revision
in the range is used for each file. For details about specifying
revisions, see 'p4 help revisions'.

The -a flag displays all revisions within the specific range, rather
than just the highest revision in the range.

The -A flag displays files in archive depots.

The -e flag displays files with an action of anything other than
deleted, purged or archived. Typically this revision is always
available to sync or integrate from.

The -m flag limits files to the first 'max' number of files.

The -U option displays files in the unload depot (see 'p4 help unload'
for more information about the unload depot).

Inheritance Hierarchy

  System.Collections.Generic..::..Dictionary<(Of <(<'String, String>)>)>

See Also