Interface IFileAnnotateDelegator

    • Method Detail

      • getFileAnnotations

        java.util.List<IFileAnnotation> getFileAnnotations​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs,
                                                           DiffType diffType,
                                                           boolean allResults,
                                                           boolean useChangeNumbers,
                                                           boolean followBranches)
                                                    throws ConnectionException,
        fileSpecs - non-null list of file specs to be annotated.
        diffType - If non-null, use the DiffType value to determine whitespace options.
        allResults - If true, include both deleted files and lines no longer present at the head revision; corresponds to the -a flag.
        useChangeNumbers - If true, annotate with change numbers rather than revision numbers with each line; correspond to the -c flag.
        followBranches - If true, follow branches; corresponds to the -f flag.
        list of file annotations
        ConnectionException - connection errors
        RequestException - server request errors
        AccessException - access restrictions
      • getFileAnnotations

        java.util.List<IFileAnnotation> getFileAnnotations​(java.util.List<IFileSpec> fileSpecs,
                                                           GetFileAnnotationsOptions opts)
                                                    throws P4JavaException
        Get a list of revision annotations for the specified files.
        fileSpecs - non-null list of file specs to be annotated.
        opts - GetFileAnnotationsOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        non-null (but possibly-empty) list of IFileAnnotation objects representing version annotations for the passed-in file specs.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method.