Class RpcStreamConnection

  • public class RpcStreamConnection
    extends RpcConnection
    Socket stream I/O based implementation of the RpcConnection class.

    The implementation here uses a small stack of input and output streams based on socket streams at the lowest level, with (at least) an optional connection compression stream on top of that layer, and with charset conversion where necessary.

    • Field Detail


        protected static final int INITIAL_SENDBUF_SIZE
        Number of bytes we allocate for initial byte arrays for sending RPC packets. In general we don't know how big the final buffer is, so this figure is a bit of a guessed compromise between over-allocation and frequent resizing.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final int SENDBUF_REALLOC_INCR
        When we run out of send buffer space in putPacket, we allocate another, larger, buffer; this constant determines how much larger than the existing buffer the new one should be, or, alternatively, how much bigger than the incoming field length the new buffer should be. Should probably be more tunable...
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcStreamConnection

        public RpcStreamConnection​(java.lang.String serverHost,
                                   int serverPort,
                                   java.util.Properties props,
                                   ServerStats stats,
                                   P4Charset p4Charset,
                                   boolean secure)
                            throws ConnectionException
        Construct a new Perforce RPC connection to the named Perforce server using socket streams at the lowest level. This constructor sets up the default non-compressed stack; in general this means just a couple of simple socket streams.
        serverHost - serverHost
        serverPort - serverPort
        props - props
        stats - stats
        p4Charset - p4Charset
        secure - secure
        ConnectionException - on error
      • RpcStreamConnection

        public RpcStreamConnection​(java.lang.String serverHost,
                                   int serverPort,
                                   java.util.Properties props,
                                   ServerStats stats,
                                   P4Charset p4Charset,
                                   RpcSocketPool pool,
                                   boolean secure,
                                   java.lang.String rsh)
                            throws ConnectionException
        Construct a new Perforce RPC connection to the named Perforce server using socket streams at the lowest level. This constructor sets up the default non-compressed stack; in general this means just a couple of simple socket streams.
        serverHost - serverHost
        serverPort - serverPort
        props - props
        stats - stats
        p4Charset - p4Charset
        socket - socket
        pool - pool
        secure - secure
        rsh - rsh
        ConnectionException - on error
    • Method Detail

      • getServerIpPort

        public java.lang.String getServerIpPort()
        Description copied from class: RpcConnection
        Get the server's IP and port used for the RPC connection.
        Specified by:
        getServerIpPort in class RpcConnection
        - possibly null server IP and port
      • disconnect

        public void disconnect​(RpcPacketDispatcher dispatcher)
                        throws ConnectionException
        Description copied from class: RpcConnection
        Disconnect this server. Assumes the connection is quiescent -- no further sends or receives will be possible after this call, and only the output stream is flushed (no attempt is made to look at anything still on the wire coming in to the socket).
        Specified by:
        disconnect in class RpcConnection
        dispatcher - dispatcher
        ConnectionException - on error
      • getRpcPacket

        public RpcPacket getRpcPacket()
                               throws ConnectionException
        Get a Perforce RPC packet from the underlying stream. If we're talking to a Unicode-enabled Perforce server, we attempt to translate the incoming bytes to the relevant client-side charsets where appropriate based on packet field type, etc.
        Specified by:
        getRpcPacket in class RpcConnection
        ConnectionException - on error
      • getSystemRecvBufferSize

        public int getSystemRecvBufferSize()
        Description copied from class: RpcConnection
        Return the system (i.e. underlying implementation) receive buffer size.
        Specified by:
        getSystemRecvBufferSize in class RpcConnection
      • getSystemSendBufferSize

        public int getSystemSendBufferSize()
        Description copied from class: RpcConnection
        Return the system (i.e. underlying implementation) send buffer size.
        Specified by:
        getSystemSendBufferSize in class RpcConnection
      • putRpcPacket

        public long putRpcPacket​(@Nonnull
                                 RpcPacket packet)
                          throws ConnectionException
        Put a Perforce RPC packet onto the output stream. In some cases this may require considerable processing and things like charset translation here and downstream, but it's normally fairly straightforward.
         Note that in general, we don't know how large the packet's output byte
         buffer is going to have to be until we've finished the packet contents
         marshaling, so we implement buffer resizing when needed. Our initial
         guess is INITIAL_SENDBUF_SIZE bytes; we grow the buffer by increasing
         it SENDBUF_REALLOC_INCR times each buffer increase.
        Specified by:
        putRpcPacket in class RpcConnection
        packet - rpcPacket
        number of bytes
        ConnectionException - on error
      • useConnectionCompression

        public void useConnectionCompression()
                                      throws ConnectionException
        Description copied from class: RpcConnection
        If called, will set this connection to use (GZIP) compression for all traffic on this connection from this point on. Can not be turned back off again. See the main P4 help documentation (and C++ API code) for "client compression" (etc.) for details.
        useConnectionCompression in class RpcConnection
        ConnectionException - on error