Interface IChangelistSummary

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Changelist, ChangelistSummary

    public interface IChangelistSummary
    Defines the methods and operations available on Perforce changelist summaries returned from the server.

    Changelist summaries are typically returned from the server's changelist list methods (e.g. getChangelists) and normally contain only the fields returned by the Perforce "p4 changes" command (i.e. they're missing things like files and job lists), and allow only "local" field setter and getter operations. For full changelist functionality, use the IChangelist interface that extends this interface.

    Unextended IChangelistSummary objects are complete, and neither refreshable nor updateable.

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        int getId()
        Return the Perforce changelist's ID.
        changelist ID, or UNKNOWN if unknown or not yet allocated.
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Return the description associated with this changelist.
        textual changelist description, or null if no such description.
      • setDescription

        java.lang.String setDescription​(java.lang.String newDescription)
        Set the description string for this changelist.
        newDescription - non-null new description string.
        the old description string.
      • getStatus

        ChangelistStatus getStatus()
        Get the status of this changelist, if known.
        IChangelistStatus status, or null if not known.
      • getDate

        java.util.Date getDate()
        Get the date the changelist was created or last updated.
        the date the changelist was created or last updated, or null if unknown.
      • getClientId

        java.lang.String getClientId()
        Get the ID of the Perforce client workspace associated with this changelist.
        the ID of the client associated with this changelist, or null if not known.
      • getUsername

        java.lang.String getUsername()
        Get the user name of the user associated with this changelist.
        the user name of the user associated with this changelist, or null if no such name exists or can be determined.
      • setId

        void setId​(int id)
        Set the changelist ID. Will not cause the associated changelist to be updated on the Perforce server without a suitable update being performed.
        id - new changelist ID.
      • setClientId

        void setClientId​(java.lang.String clientId)
        Set the client ID. Will not cause the associated changelist to be updated on the Perforce server without a suitable update being performed.
        clientId - new client ID.
      • setUsername

        void setUsername​(java.lang.String username)
        Set the changelist owner ID. Will not cause the associated changelist to be updated on the Perforce server without a suitable update being performed.
        username - new owner's user name.
      • setStatus

        void setStatus​(ChangelistStatus status)
        Set the changelist status. Will not cause the associated changelist to be updated on the Perforce server without a suitable update being performed.
        status - status
      • setDate

        void setDate​(java.util.Date date)
        Set the changelist date. Will not cause the associated changelist to be updated on the Perforce server without a suitable update being performed.
        date - new changelist date
      • isShelved

        boolean isShelved()
        Does this changelist contain at least one shelved file? This only applies to changelists whose getStatus() is ChangelistStatus.PENDING and that have been returned as IChangelistSummary objects. The value here is unreliable for full IChangelist objects returned from getChangelist, etc.
        - true if changelist contains shelved files, false otherwise
      • setShelved

        void setShelved​(boolean shelved)
        Set the shelved status of of this changelist (see isShelved()).
        shelved - new shelved value.
      • getVisibility

        IChangelistSummary.Visibility getVisibility()
        Get the visibility associated with this changelist. May be null if no visibility is associated with this changelist.
        possibly-null visibility.
      • setVisibility

        void setVisibility​(IChangelistSummary.Visibility visibility)
        Set the visibility associated with this changelist.
        visibility - visability
      • getChangelistStream

        java.lang.String getChangelistStream()
        Return the Stream spec mark for edit in changelist. Return the Stream path marked for edit in changelist.
        Stream path, or null if no such description.