p4 unlock (graph)

Release a locked file, leaving it open.


p4 unlock [-c changelistNumber -f file ...]


p4 unlock releases locks on the specified files.

If no file specification is given and no changelist is specified, all open files are unlocked.

The changelist flag and file specification limit the files to be unlocked:

  • If a changelist is specified, only those files open in that changelist are unlocked.
  • If a file specification is given, only those files are unlocked.
  • If both changelist and file specification are provided, only the matching files in the specified changelist are unlocked.


-c changelist

Applies to opened files in a pending changelist locked by p4 lock or by a failed submit.


Enables you to unlock files in changelists owned by other users. This option requires super access, granted by p4 protect or admin permissions on the affected repos.


By default, files can be unlocked only by the changelist owner who must also be the person who has the files locked.