p4 status

Previews output of open files for add, delete, and/or edit in order to reconcile a workspace with changes made outside of Helix Server.

The p4 status command produces output in local syntax. To see file names and paths in depot syntax, use the -n option to p4 reconcile.


p4 [g-opts] status [-c change] [-A | [-e -a -d] | [-s]] [-f -I -m] [file ...]


When called without arguments, p4 status only previews the results of the workspace reconciliation. To limit the scope of p4 status to add, edit, or delete, use the -a, -e, or -d options. You must use either p4 status -A (or p4 reconcile) to actually open the files in a changelist.

The p4 status command finds unopened files in a client’s workspace and detects the following three types of inconsistencies between your workspace and the depot:

  1. Files present in the depot, present in your have list, but missing from your workspace. By default, these files are then opened for delete.
  2. Files present in your workspace, but missing on the depot. By default, these files are opened for add.
  3. Files modified in your workspace that are not open for edit. By default, these files are opened for edit.

If the list of files to be opened includes both adds and deletes, the missing and added files are compared and converted to pairs of move/delete and move/add operations (as long as the files' sizes and contents are similar.)

By default, p4 status displays opened files as well as files that need to be reconciled. If you use the -A, -e, -a, or -d options or client applications earlier than 2015.1, opened files are not displayed.

By default, p4 status does not check files and/or paths mentioned in the P4IGNORE file. Use the -I option to override this behavior and ignore the P4IGNORE file.



Display files to be opened for add.


Add, edit, and delete files. Files in the client workspace not under Helix Server control are opened for add. Changed files are opened for edit. Files in the user’s have list that have been removed from the workspace are opened for delete.

p4 status -A is equivalent to p4 reconcile -ead.

-c change

The changelist containing the files whose status is sought.


Display files to be opened for delete.


Display files to be opened for edit.


Display files to be added whose names contain special (wildcard) characters. Files containing the special characters @, #, %, or * are reformatted to encode the characters using hex notation. After these files are added, you must refer to them using their reformatted filenames.


Do not perform any ignore checking; ignore any settings specified by P4IGNORE.


Use in conjunction with the -e option to minimize costly digest computation on the client by checking file modification times before checking digests to determine if files have been modified outside of Helix Server.


Generate summarized output for files to open for add.

Using this option causes the command to preview files needing to be reconciled, but provides shorter output for files to be opened for add. Files in the current working directory are listed, but subdirectories containing files to be opened for add are listed rather than the individual files. This provides the shorter output.


This requires version 2015.1 of both server and client.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related Commands

To reconcile a workspace that has been modified outside Helix Server

p4 reconcile