p4 sizes

Display size information for files in the depot.


p4 [g-opts] sizes [-a -S] [-s|-z] [-b blocksize] [-h | -H] [-m max] FileSpec[revSpec]
p4 [g-opts] sizes -A [-a -s] [-b blocksize] [-m max] archiveFileSpec
p4 [g-opts] sizes -U unloadFileSpec


The p4 sizes command displays the sizes of files stored in the depot. When called with no options, only the size of the head revision of the file or files is displayed. One line of output is provided per file.

Use the -a option to see how much space is occupied by each individual revision in the specified revision range, rather than just the highest revision in the specified range. One line of output is provided per file, per revision.

Use the -s option to obtain the sum of all files specified. Only one line of output is provided, showing the file specification, the number of files summarized, the total number of bytes required, and (if the -b option is provided) the total number of blocks required.

The -h or -H option displays size in human-readable form, using a scaling factor of 1,024 for -h or 1,000 for -H. The size displayed will be automatically scaled to bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes, as needed. For example, if you specify -h, the output of 75,883,921 bytes, would be represented as 72.36 M.

The -z option works the same way as -s, but excludes space occupied by lazy copies (files that exist by virtue of integration operations). Use -z to estimate the space occupied by files on a Helix Server installation, and use -s to estimate the local diskspace requirement if files were synced to a client workspace.)



Include all revisions within the range, rather than just the highest revision in the range.


Display files in archive depots. See p4 archive for details.

-b blocksize

Display results in blocks of blocksize bytes. Each accumulated file size is rounded up to the nearest blocksize bytes.

-m max

Limit output to max lines of output.

-h or -H

Display size in human-readable form, using a scaling factor of 1,024 for -h or 1,000 for -H. The size displayed will be automatically scaled to bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes, as needed.


Calculate the sum of the file sizes for the specified file argument.


Display size information for shelved files only. If you use this option, revision specifications are not permitted.

-U unloadfile

List only file sizes in the unload depot. See p4 unload for details.


When calculating size information, exclude lazy copies.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




  • The p4 sizes command is functionally similar to the UNIX du command.
  • If no revision range is specified, the implicit revision range of #1 through #head is assumed.
  • File sizes are based on the normalized (UNIX linefeed convention) and uncompressed version of the depot file, regardless of how the file is represented when synced to a client workspace.


p4 sizes file.c

Show the size of the head revision of file.c in the depot.

p4 sizes -a file.c

Show the sizes of each revision of file.c stored in the depot.

p4 sizes -s -a file.c

Show the total size of all revisions of file.c stored in the depot.

p4 sizes -s -a -b 512 //depot/...

Show the number of files and the total diskspace (in bytes and 512-byte blocks) currently used by a Helix Server installation hosting //depot/...

p4 sizes -s //workspace/...

Show the number of files and the total local diskspace (in bytes) required to sync the head revisions of files mapped to the client workspace named workspace.