p4 reload

Reloads the specified workspace, label, or task stream from the unload depot.


p4 [g-opts] reload [-f] [-c client | -l label | -s stream] [-p address]


The p4 reload command reloads the state of an unloaded workspace (or the files tagged by an unloaded label, or stored in an unloaded task stream) from the unload depot into the versioning service’s db.have (or db.label) tables.

Use -c workspace to reload an unloaded workspace, -l label to reload an unloaded label, or -s stream to reload an unloaded task stream. Helix Server administrators can use the -f option to reload workspaces and/or labels owned by other users.

You can use the -c and -p options to migrate your unlocked workspace from one edge server to another without unloading the client first. The p4 reload command automatically issues the p4 unload command and waits for it to complete before reloading your workspace in the new edge server.


-c client

Reload the specified client workspace from the unload depot.


Administrator force option; allows reloading of labels and workspaces owned by other users. Requires admin access.

-l label

Reload the specified label from the unload depot.

-p address

In distributed environments, the -p option can be used to reload an unloaded client workspace from the remote Edge Server specified by address, thus migrating that workspace from the remote Edge Server to this one. Each Edge Server’s service user must be properly authenticated to the other Edge Server in order to perform this operation.

The address parameter can be specified either as the P4PORT or as the server id of the remote server. If you specify a server id, the server spec must contain the correct P4PORT value in its Address field.

-s stream

Reload the specified task stream from the unload depot.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




  • To reload a workspace or label, a user must be able to scan all the files in the workspace’s have list and/or files tagged by the label. Administrators should set MaxScanRows and MaxResults high enough (in the p4 group form) that users do not need to ask for assistance with p4 unload or p4 reload operations.

Related Commands

To unload a client workspace or label name

p4 unload