p4 reconcile (graph)

Open files for add, delete, or edit to reconcile a workspace with changes made outside of Helix Server.


p4  reconcile [-a -e -d -n] [file ...]


If the p4 reconcile command finds unopened files in a user’s workspace and detects inconsistencies between the workspace and the depot, it takes the following actions:

Inconsistency Action

Files present in the depot, present in your have list, but missing from your workspace

Open for delete.

Files present in your workspace, but missing in the depot

Open for for add.

Files modified in your workspace that are not open for edit

Open for edit.


-a Add files: Find files in the workspace that are not under Helix Server control and open them for add.
-d Delete files: Find files missing from the workspace but present in the depot. Open these files for delete, but only if these files are in the user’s have list. (See p4 have and p4 have (graph))
-e Edit files: Find files in the workspace that were been modified outside of Helix Server, and open them for edit.
-n Preview the results of the operation without performing any action.