p4 populate

Branch a set of files as a one-step operation.


p4 [g-opts] populate [-d description] [-f -n -o] [-m max] fromFile[rev] toFile
p4 [g-opts] populate [-d description] [-f -n -o] [-m max] -b branch [-r] 
p4 [g-opts] populate [-d description] [-f -n -o] [-m max] -b branch -s fromFile[rev] 
p4 [g-opts] populate [-d description] [-f -n -o] [-m max] -S stream [-P parent] [-r] 


The p4 populate command branches a set of files (the source) into another depot location (the target) in a single step. The new files are created immediately, without requiring a p4 submit or a client workspace.

The execution of the p4 populate command fires a change-submit trigger to allow interested parties to perform some validation before submission.

As with change-content triggers, a temporary pending change record is created so that the description can be accessed, but no results are returned to change-submit triggers from p4 describe and p4 opened because files branched with p4 populate are not opened.

If no description is given, the command line arguments are used for a description.

If the p4 populate command fails after the change-content stage succeeds, a change-fail trigger is enabled.

The value of the rpl.checksum.change configurable determines the level of verification performed for this command.


-b branch

Use the view in a user-defined branch specification; the source is the left side of the branch view and the target is the right side of the branch view.

-d description

Provide a description for the automatically-submitted changelist. If no description is provided, the command line arguments are used for a description.


Force deleted files to be branched into the target. (By default, deleted files are treated as nonexistent and are skipped.)

-m max

Limit the action to the first max files.


Preview the operation without actually doing anything.


Display a list of files created by the p4 populate command

-P parent

When used with -S stream, specify a parent stream other than the stream’s actual parent.


Reverse direction of integration (from target to source, rather than from source to target)


If used with -b branch, treat fromFile as the source, and use both sides of the user-defined branch view as the target. (Optional toFile arguments may be given to further restrict the scope of the target file set.) The -r option is ignored when -s is used.

-S stream

Use a stream’s view; the source is the stream itself, and the target is the stream’s parent.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required


