p4 logstat

Report size of journal, error log, and/or audit log files; or report size of the specified structured file.


p4 [g-opts] logstat [-s | -l logname]


If no options are specified the p4 logstat command reports the sizes of the journal, error log (if it exists), and audit log (if it exists).

  • Use the -l logname option to display the file size of the specified log.
  • Use the -s option to report the file size for each of the structured log files defined for this server.

The following two sample commands illustrate the different output due to the use of the -s option.

C:\temp\logs> p4 logstat
journal 2591 bytes
out 126 bytes
C:\temp\logs> p4 logstat -s
journal 2591 bytes
out 255 bytes
all.csv 13599 bytes
commands.csv 11321 bytes
path/to/log/files/all.csv 13599 bytes

See the Helix Core Server Administrator Guide: Fundamentals for more information about structured logs.


-l logname

Display the file size of the named logname.

Valid values for logname are journal, errorLog, and auditLog, or any of the serverlog.file.n filenames associated with structured logs.


Report the file size for each of the structured log files defined for this server.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required


