p4 help

Provide command-line help for Helix Server.


p4 [g-opts] help
p4 [g-opts] help keyword
p4 [g-opts] help command


p4 help

  • displays a topic describing the named command or keyword
  • is similar to this manual, but more concise and without hyperlinks

p4 help with no arguments lists all the available p4 help options.

p4 help command provides help on the named command.

p4 help keyword takes the following keywords as arguments:

Command and Keyword Meaning Equivalent Chapter in this Manual

p4 help administration

Help on specialized administration topics.

p4 admin

p4 help charset

Describes how to control Unicode translation.

P4CHARSET description

p4 help commands

Lists all the Perforce commands.

Table of Contents

p4 help configurables

Describes all of the server configuration variables.


p4 help dvcs

Describes decentralized version control with Perforce.


p4 help environment

Lists the Perforce environment variables and their meanings.

Environment and registry variables

p4 help filetypes

Lists the Perforce filetypes and their meanings.

File types

p4 help graph-depot Lists the commands for graph depots. A depot of type graph is used to store Git repos in the Helix server. Graph depot commands

p4 help jobview

Describes Perforce jobviews.

p4 jobs description

p4 help legal

Lists the third-party software licenses that the server uses.


p4 help -l legal

Lists the third-party software licenses that the local client (such as P4V) uses.


p4 help networkaddress

Help on network address syntax.


p4 help replication

Describes specialized replication topics.


p4 help revisions

Describes Perforce revision specifiers.

File specifications

p4 help simple

Provides short descriptions of the eight most basic Perforce commands.


p4 help usage

Lists the six options available with all Perforce commands.

Global options

p4 help views

Describes the meaning of Perforce views.


Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related Commands

To view information about the current Helix Server configuration

p4 info

To review a list of commands for depots of type graph for the git data model p4 help-graph (graph)