p4 groups

List groups of users.


p4 [g-opts] groups [-m max] [-v] [group]
p4 [g-opts] groups [-m max] [-i [-v]] user | group
p4 [g-opts] groups [-m max] [-g | -u | -o] name


Shows a list of all current groups of users as created by p4 group. Only the group names are displayed.

If the optional user argument is provided, only the groups containing that user are listed. If the optional group argument is provided, only groups containing the named group are listed.

Use the -i option to include groups to which the user (or group) belongs by means of being a member of a subgroup. If a group argument is given, only groups that contain the named group are displayed.

Use the -v option to display the MaxResults, MaxScanRows, MaxLockTime, and Timeout values for the named group, or, if no group is specified, for all groups.

Use the -m max option to limit the output to the first max groups.


-g name

List groups with the specified name.


Display groups to which the user or group is an indirect member (that is, by means of inclusion in a subgroup).

-m max

List only the first max groups.

-o name

List groups owned by the named user.

-u name

List groups for whom the specified user is a member.


Display verbose output: include MaxResults, MaxScanRows, MaxLockTime, and Timeout values.


See Global options.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




  • To see all the members of a particular group, use p4 group-o groupname. This variation of p4 group requires only list access.


p4 groups bob

Display the names of all groups of which user bob is a member.

Related Commands

To create or edit an existing group of users

p4 group

To view a list of all the members and specifications of a particular group

p4 group-o groupname

To set Helix Server access levels for the members of a particular group

p4 protect