p4 add (graph)

Open a new file to add it to the repo.


p4 [g-opts] add [-c changelist -n -t filetype] file ...


Open a file for adding to the depot.

  • To associate the open files with a specific pending changelist, use the -c flag. If you omit the -c flag, the open files are associated with the default changelist
  • To specify file type, use the -t flag
  • To display a preview of the specified add operation without changing any files or metadata, use the -n flag


-c changelist

Opens the files for add within the specified changelist. If this option is not used, the files are linked to the default changelist.


Preview which files would be opened for add, without actually changing any files or metadata.

-t filetype

By default, p4 add assumes the file is a simple text file. The following alternate filetypes are available:

  • text+x - executable file, such as a shell script
  • symlink - symbolic link
  • binary+F - large binary file, to be stored using git-lfs


See Global options.