Class GraphCommitLogOptions

  • public class GraphCommitLogOptions
    extends Options
    This class is used tp encapsulate all the information that forms the options part of the 'p4 graph log' command

    Usage: log -n repo [ -u user -A date-B date -m N -N N -X N ] [ commit... ]

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor
      GraphCommitLogOptions​(java.lang.String repo, int maxResults, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate, int minNumberOfParents, int maxNumberOfParents, java.lang.String... commitValue)
      Constructs a GraphCommitLogOptions with the given arguments
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String[] getCommitValue()
      Returns the commit SHA values
      java.lang.String getEndDate()  
      int getMaxParents()  
      int getMaxResults()  
      int getMinParents()  
      java.lang.String getRepo()
      Returns the repo used as part of option -n
      java.lang.String getStartDate()  
      java.lang.String getUser()  
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> processOptions​(IServer server)
      Turn this (specific) options object into a list of strings to be sent to the Perforce server as options for a specific command.
      void setCommitValue​(java.lang.String... commitValue)
      Sets the optional argument of commit SHA values
      void setEndDate​(java.lang.String endDate)
      The value expected by -B option The upper date limit of logs retrieved
      void setMaxParents​(int maximumNumberOfParents)
      The value expected by -X option The maximum number of parents the fetched log commit is expected to have.
      void setMaxResults​(int maxResults)
      Sets the optional option value for option -m
      void setMinParents​(int minimumNumberOfParents)
      The value expected by the -N option.
      void setRepo​(java.lang.String repo)
      Sets the mandatory option value for option -n which defines the repository against which the command is
      void setStartDate​(java.lang.String startDate)
      The value expected by the -A option The lower date limit of the logs retrieved.
      void setUser​(java.lang.String user)
      The value expected by -u option The user who is responsible for the commits retrieved by p4 log
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String GRAPH_COMMITLOG_COMMAND_PART
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphCommitLogOptions

        public GraphCommitLogOptions()
        Default constructor
      • GraphCommitLogOptions

        public GraphCommitLogOptions​(java.lang.String repo,
                                     int maxResults,
                                     java.lang.String startDate,
                                     java.lang.String endDate,
                                     int minNumberOfParents,
                                     int maxNumberOfParents,
                                     java.lang.String... commitValue)
        Constructs a GraphCommitLogOptions with the given arguments
        repo - - repo against which the 'p4 graph log' command is issued
        maxResults - - maximum number of items to be returned by the graph log command
        startDate - - Date starting from when the commit logs will be fetched
        endDate - - Date used as the end date up to when the commit logs will be fetched
        minNumberOfParents - - lower bound for the number of parents a commit is expected to have as part of the fetch
        maxNumberOfParents - - upper bound for the number of parents a commit is expected to have as part of the fetch
        commitValue - - Additional commit SHA values that can be used to filter the search
    • Method Detail

      • processOptions

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> processOptions​(IServer server)
                                                        throws OptionsException
        Description copied from class: Options
        Turn this (specific) options object into a list of strings to be sent to the Perforce server as options for a specific command. As a side effect, set the option list associated with this Option to the result.

        The method is used by the server object to generate the string-based arguments expected by the Perforce server corresponding to the state of this method-specific options object. Will return an empty list if there are no "interesting" options set or available. May simply return the superclass options string list if is non-null, but that behaviour is neither guaranteed nor required.

        Note that this method is not intended to be called directly by users but by the underlying P4Java plumbing; odd results may occur if this method is called in other contexts.

        Specified by:
        processOptions in class Options
        server - possibly-null IServer representing the Perforce server the options are to be used against. If this parameter is null, it is acceptable to throw an OptionsException, but it is also possible to ignore it and do the best you can with what you've got...
        list of options strings associated with this Option
        OptionsException - on error
      • setRepo

        public void setRepo​(java.lang.String repo)
        Sets the mandatory option value for option -n which defines the repository against which the command is
        repo - - repo against which the 'p4 graph log' command is issued
      • getRepo

        public java.lang.String getRepo()
        Returns the repo used as part of option -n
        repo against which the 'p4 graph log' command is issued
      • setMaxResults

        public void setMaxResults​(int maxResults)
        Sets the optional option value for option -m
        maxResults - - maximum number of items to be returned by the graph log command
      • getMaxResults

        public int getMaxResults()
        maximum number of items to be returned by the graph log command
      • setCommitValue

        public void setCommitValue​(java.lang.String... commitValue)
        Sets the optional argument of commit SHA values
        commitValue - - Additional commit SHA values that can be used to filter the search
      • getCommitValue

        public java.lang.String[] getCommitValue()
        Returns the commit SHA values
        Additional commit SHA values that can be used to filter the search
      • setStartDate

        public void setStartDate​(java.lang.String startDate)
        The value expected by the -A option The lower date limit of the logs retrieved.
        startDate - - Date starting from when the commit logs will be fetched
      • getStartDate

        public java.lang.String getStartDate()
        The lower date limit of the logs retrieved.
      • setEndDate

        public void setEndDate​(java.lang.String endDate)
        The value expected by -B option The upper date limit of logs retrieved
        endDate - - Date used as the end date up to when the commit logs will be fetched
      • getEndDate

        public java.lang.String getEndDate()
        the he upper date limit of logs retrieved
      • setMinParents

        public void setMinParents​(int minimumNumberOfParents)
        The value expected by the -N option. The minimum number of parents the fetched log commit is expected to have
        minimumNumberOfParents - - lower bound for the number of parents a commit is expected to have as part of the fetch
      • getMinParents

        public int getMinParents()
        the minimum number of parents the fetched log commit is expected to have
      • setMaxParents

        public void setMaxParents​(int maximumNumberOfParents)
        The value expected by -X option The maximum number of parents the fetched log commit is expected to have.
        maximumNumberOfParents - - upper bound for the number of parents a commit is expected to have as part of the fetch
      • getMaxParents

        public int getMaxParents()
        the maximum number of parents the fetched log commit is expected to have.
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(java.lang.String user)
        The value expected by -u option The user who is responsible for the commits retrieved by p4 log
        user - - User who has made the commits
      • getUser

        public java.lang.String getUser()
        the user of the commit