Class ChangeDelegator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeDelegator

        public ChangeDelegator​(IOptionsServer server)
        Instantiates a new change delegator.
        server - the server
    • Method Detail

      • getChangelist

        public IChangelist getChangelist​(int id)
                                  throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangeDelegator
        Get a specific Perforce changelist from a Perforce server.

        Corresponds fairly well to the p4 command-line command "change -o", and (like "change -o") does not include the associated changelist files (if any) in the returned changelist object -- you must use getChangelistFiles (or similar) to properly populate the changelist for submission, for example.

        Specified by:
        getChangelist in interface IChangeDelegator
        id - the Perforce changelist ID; if id is IChangelist.DEFAULT, get the default changelist for the current client (if available)
        non-null IChangelist describing the changelist; if no such changelist, a RequestException is thrown.
        ConnectionException - the connection exception
        RequestException - the request exception
        AccessException - the access exception
      • deletePendingChangelist

        public java.lang.String deletePendingChangelist​(int id)
                                                 throws ConnectionException,
        Description copied from interface: IChangeDelegator
        Delete a pending Perforce changelist. Throws a P4JavaException if the changelist was associated with opened files or was not a pending changelist.

        Note: any IChangelist object associated with the given changelist will no longer be valid after this operation, and using that object may cause undefined results or even global disaster -- you must ensure that the object is not used again improperly.

        Specified by:
        deletePendingChangelist in interface IChangeDelegator
        id - the ID of the Perforce pending changelist to be deleted.
        possibly-null operation result message string from the Perforce server
        ConnectionException - the connection exception
        RequestException - the request exception
        AccessException - the access exception
      • deletePendingChangelist

        public java.lang.String deletePendingChangelist​(int id,
                                                        ChangelistOptions opts)
                                                 throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IChangeDelegator
        Delete a pending Perforce changelist. Throws a P4JavaException if the changelist was associated with opened files or was not a pending changelist.

        Note: any IChangelist object associated with the given changelist will no longer be valid after this operation, and using that object may cause undefined results or even global disaster -- you must ensure that the object is not used again improperly.

        Specified by:
        deletePendingChangelist in interface IChangeDelegator
        id - the ID of the Perforce pending changelist to be deleted.
        opts - ChangelistOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        possibly-null operation result message string from the Perforce server
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method
      • getChangelist

        public IChangelist getChangelist​(int id,
                                         ChangelistOptions opts)
                                  throws P4JavaException
        Description copied from interface: IChangeDelegator
        Get a specific Perforce changelist from a Perforce server.

        Corresponds fairly well to the p4 command-line command "change -o", and (like "change -o") does not include the associated changelist files (if any) in the returned changelist object -- you must use getChangelistFiles (or similar) to properly populate the changelist for submission, for example.

        Specified by:
        getChangelist in interface IChangeDelegator
        id - the Perforce changelist ID; if id is IChangelist.DEFAULT, get the default changelist for the current client (if available)
        opts - ChangelistOptions object describing optional parameters; if null, no options are set.
        non-null IChangelist describing the changelist; if no such changelist, a RequestException is thrown.
        P4JavaException - if any error occurs in the processing of this method