Flags for the labels command.

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: p4api.net (in p4api.net.dll) Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public enum LabelsCmdFlags
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration LabelsCmdFlags
Visual C++
public enum class LabelsCmdFlags


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
Time1 The -t flag displays the time as well as the date.
IgnoreCase2 The -e nameFilter flag lists labels with a name that matches the nameFilter pattern, for example: -e 'label*'. -E makes the matching case-insensitive.
Unloaded4 The -U flag lists unloaded labels (see 'p4 help unload').
All8 The -a flag specifies that all labels should be displayed, not just those that are bound to this server.

See Also