Flags for the istat command.

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: p4api.net (in p4api.net.dll) Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public enum GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags
Visual C++
public enum class GetStreamMetaDataCmdFlags


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
Reverse1 The -r flag shows the status of integration to the stream from its parent. By default, status of integration in the other direction is shown, from the stream to its parent.
All2 The -a flag shows status of integration in both directions.
Refresh4 The -c flag forces 'p4 istat' to assume the cache is stale; it causes a search for pending integrations. Use of this flag can impact server performance.
Cached8 The -s flag shows cached state without refreshing stale data.

See Also