Flags for the opened command.

Namespace: Perforce.P4
Assembly: p4api.net (in p4api.net.dll) Version: 2017.3.160.836 (2017.3.160.0836)


public enum GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags
Visual Basic
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags
Visual C++
public enum class GetOpenedFilesCmdFlags


Member nameValueDescription
None0 No flags.
AllClients1 The -a flag lists opened files in all clients. By default, only files opened by the current client are listed.
ShortOutput2 The -s option produces 'short' and optimized output when used with the -a (all clients) option. For large repositories '-a' can take a long time when compared to '-as'.
Exclusive4 The -x option lists files that are opened 'exclusive'. This option only applies to a distributed installation where global tracking of these file types is necessary across servers. The -x option implies the -a option.

See Also