The Repository type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Repository
Create a repository on the specified server.


  Name Description
Public method CreateBranchSpec(BranchSpec)
Create a new branch in the repository.
Public method CreateBranchSpec(BranchSpec, Options)
Create a new branch in the repository.
Public method CreateChangelist(Changelist)
Create a new change in the repository.
Public method CreateChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Create a new changelist in the repository.
Public method CreateClient(Client)
Create a new client in the repository.
Public method CreateClient(Client, Options)
Create a new client in the repository.
Public method CreateDepot(Depot)
Create a new depot in the repository.
Public method CreateDepot(Depot, Options)
Create a new depot in the repository.
Public method CreateGroup(Group)
Create a new group in the repository.
Public method CreateGroup(Group, Options)
Create a new group in the repository.
Public method CreateJob(Job)
Create a new job in the repository.
Public method CreateJob(Job, Options)
Create a new job in the repository.
Public method CreateLabel(Label)
Create a new label in the repository.
Public method CreateLabel(Label, Options)
Create a new label in the repository.
Public method CreateStream(Stream)
Create a new stream in the repository.
Public method CreateStream(Stream, Options)
Create a new stream in the repository.
Public method CreateUser(User)
Create a new user in the repository.
Public method CreateUser(User, Options)
Create a new user in the repository.
Public method DeleteBranchSpec
Delete a branch from the repository
Public method DeleteChangelist
Delete a change from the repository
Public method DeleteClient
Delete a client from the repository
Public method DeleteCounter
Delete a Perforce counter from the repository.
Public method DeleteDepot
Delete a depot from the repository
Public method DeleteGroup
Delete a group from the repository
Public method DeleteJob
Delete a job from the repository
Public method DeleteLabel
Delete a label from the repository
Public method DeleteStream
Delete a stream from the repository
Public method DeleteUser
Delete a user from the repository
Public method Dispose
Clean up after a Repository is used. Closes and Disposes the underlying connection
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetBranchSpec(String)
Get a BranchSpec from the branch name
Public method GetBranchSpec(String, String, String, Options)
Get the record for an existing branch from the repository.
Public method GetBranchSpecs
Get a list of branches from the repository
Public method GetChangelist(Int32)
Get the record for an existing change from the repository.
Public method GetChangelist(Int32, Options)
Get the record for an existing change from the repository.
Public method GetChangelists
Get a list of changes from the repository
Public method GetClient(String)
Get the record for an existing client from the repository.
Public method GetClient(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing client from the repository.
Public method GetClientMetadata
Get client application information.
Public method GetClients
Get a list of clients from the repository
Public method GetCounter
Get a named Perforce counter value from the repository.
Public method GetCounters
Get the Perforce counters for this repository.
Public method GetDepot(String)
Get the record for an existing depot from the repository.
Public method GetDepot(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing depot from the repository.
Public method GetDepotDirs(IList<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Options)
List selected directory paths in the repository.
Public method GetDepotDirs(Options, array<String>[]()[][])
List selected directory paths in the repository.
Public method GetDepotFileDiffs
Get content and existence diff details for two depot files.
Public method GetDepotFiles
Return a list of FileSpecs of files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public method GetDepots
Get a list of depots from the repository
Public method GetFileAnnotations
Return FileAnnotation objects for the listed FileSpecs.
Public method GetFileContents(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>), Options)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileContents(Options, array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileContentsEx(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>), Options)
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileContentsEx(Options, array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Return the contents of the files identified by the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileHistory(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>), Options)
Get the revision history data for the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileHistory(Options, array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Get the revision history data for the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileLineMatches
Get a list of matching lines in the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetFileMetaData(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>), Options)
Use the p4 fstat command to get the file metadata for the files matching the FileSpec.
Public method GetFileMetaData(Options, array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Use the p4 fstat command to get the file metadata for the files matching the FileSpec.
Public method GetFiles(IList<(Of <<'(FileSpec>)>>), Options)
Return a list of Files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public method GetFiles(Options, array<FileSpec>[]()[][])
Return a list of Files in the depot that correspond to the passed-in FileSpecs.
Public method GetFixes
List fixes affecting files and / or jobs and / or changelists.
Public method GetFormSpec
Get a FormSpec of the specified form type.
Public method GetGroup(String)
Get the record for an existing group from the repository.
Public method GetGroup(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing group from the repository.
Public method GetGroups
Get a list of groups from the repository
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetJob(String)
Get the record for an existing job from the repository.
Public method GetJob(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing job from the repository.
Public method GetJobs
Get a list of jobs from the repository
Public method GetLabel(String)
Get the record for an existing label from the repository.
Public method GetLabel(String, String, Options)
Get the record for an existing label from the repository.
Public method GetLabels
Get a list of labels from the repository
Public method GetOpenedFiles
Return a list of Files opened by users / clients.
Public method GetProtectionEntries
Get a list of Perforce protection entries for the passed-in file specs
Public method GetProtectionTable
Get the repository's protection table.
Public method GetReviewers
List Perforce users assigned to review files.
Public method GetServerMetaData()()()() Obsolete.
Public method GetServerMetaData(Options)
Get server information.
Public method GetStream(String)
Get the record for an existing stream from the repository.
Public method GetStream(String, String, Options)
Get the record for an existing stream from the repository.
Public method GetStreamMetaData
Get the integration status for a stream in the repository
Public method GetStreams
Get a list of streams from the repository
Public method GetSubmittedIntegrations
Get a list of submitted integrations for the passed-in file specs.
Public method GetTriggerTable
Get the repository's trigger table.
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetTypeMap
Get the repository's type map.
Public method GetUser(String)
Get the record for an existing user from the repository.
Public method GetUser(String, Options)
Get the record for an existing user from the repository.
Public method GetUsers(IList<(Of <<'(String>)>>), Options)
Get a list of users from the repository
Public method GetUsers(Options, array<String>[]()[][])
Get a list of users from the repository
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method NewChangelist
Create a new empty changelist object using a blank spec returned by the server
Public method TagFiles
Tag depot files with the passed-in label.
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method UpdateBranchSpec
Update the record for a branch in the repository
Public method UpdateChangelist(Changelist)
Update the record for a change in the repository
Public method UpdateChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Update the record for a change in the repository
Public method UpdateClient
Update the record for a client in the repository
Public method UpdateDepot
Update the record for a depot in the repository
Public method UpdateGroup(Group)
Update the record for a group in the repository
Public method UpdateGroup(Group, Options)
Update the record for a group in the repository
Public method UpdateJob
Update the record for a job in the repository
Public method UpdateLabel
Update the record for a label in the repository
Public method UpdateStream(Stream)
Update the record for a stream in the repository
Public method UpdateStream(Stream, Options)
Update the record for a stream in the repository
Public method UpdateSubmittedChangelist(Changelist)
Update the record for a submitted change in the repository
Public method UpdateSubmittedChangelist(Changelist, Options)
Update the record for a submitted change in the repository
Public method UpdateUser(User)
Update the record for a user in the repository
Public method UpdateUser(User, Options)
Update the record for a user in the repository


  Name Description
Public property Connection
Represents the logical connection between a specific Perforce Server instance and a specific client application.
Public property Server
Represents a specific Perforce server.

See Also