The P4Server type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method P4Server(String)
Create a P4BridgeServer using the PUC specified by the environment or a p4config file if one exists.
Public method P4Server(String, String, String, String)
Create a P4BridgeServer used to connect to the specified P4Server
Public method P4Server(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Create a P4BridgeServer used to connect to the specified P4Server


  Name Description
Public method CancelCommand
Cancel a running command
Public method Close
Close the connection to a P4 Server
Public method Static member ConnectionInfoFromPath
Public method ContinueRunCmdTimer
Public method Disconnect
Public method Dispose()()()()
For IDispose
Public method Dispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the P4Server and optionally releases the managed resources
Public method EchoCommand(String)
Broadcast a string on the CommandEcho event
Public method EchoCommand(String, StringList)
Broadcast a the command line (cmd and args) on the CommandEcho event
Public method Equals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize
(Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public method Static member Get
Get an environment setting used by the server, such as user, client, ..
Public method GetBinaryResults
Get the complete binary results for the last command
Public method getCmdId
Public method Static member GetConfig
The config file that will be used by a given directory
Public method GetDataSet
Public method GetErrorResults
Get a list of errors (if any) generated by a command
Public method GetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetInfoResults
Get the information messages generated by the previous command
Public method GetTaggedOutput
Get the tagged output generated by a command
Public method GetTextResults
Get the complete text results for the last command
Public method Static member GetTicket
Use the C++ API to find an existing ticket if a file will be ignored
Public method Static member GetTicketFile
Use the C++ API to determine the path of the ticket file
Public method Static member GetTicketFileCredential
Use the C++ API to find an existing ticket if a file will be ignored
Public method GetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsCommandPaused
Public method IsConnected
Public method Static member IsIgnored
Use the C++ API to determine if a file will be ignored
Public method Login
Run a login command on the server
Public method Logout
Run a logout command on the server
Protected method MemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method PauseRunCmdTimer
Public method Reconnect
Reconnect to the server in the event the connection is lost
Public method RunCommand
Run a P4 command on the P4 Server
Public method Static member Set
Set an environment setting used by the server, such as user, client, ..
Public method SetConnectionData
The parameters used by the connection
Public method SetDataSet
The data set for use by a command
Public method SetThreadOwner
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public method Static member Update
Update an environment setting used by the server, such as user, client, .. Makes a local only change which overrides registry, environment etc... And does not get written into the registry or the environment use "null" value to remove an existing Update setting.


  Name Description
Public field IdleDisconnectWaitTime
Public field KeepAliveDelay
Time for a command to run before allowing the client/user to cancel;
Public field PromptHandler
Delegate used to process prompts for input from the server.
Public field ResolveAHandler
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientResolve object from the p4api.
Public field ResolveHandler
Delegate used to provide a custom handler for Resolve callbacks passing a ClientMerge object from the p4api.
Public field RunCmdTimeout


  Name Description
Public property ApiLevel
What API level does the server support
Public property CharacterSet
The character set used by the connection
Public property Client
The client workspace used by the connection
Public property Config
The config file used by the connection
Public property ConnectionError
Get the error message generated by the previous connection (if any) from the bridge dll.
Public property Static member ConnectionErrorInt
Get the error message generated by the previous connection (if any)
Public property CurrentWorkingDirectory
The current working directory (cwd) used by the p4 server
Public property KeepAlive
Public property LastResults
The results of the last command executed on this thread
Public property Password
The user's password used by the connection
Public property Port
The hostname:port used by the connection
Public property ProgramName
The program name used by the connection
Public property ProgramVersion
The program version used by the connection
Public property RequiresLogin
The server requires a client to use the login command to pass credentials.
Public property RunCmdTimout Obsolete.
Public property User
The user name used by the connection
Public property UseUnicode
Need to use Unicode when marshalling to/from the P4 server
Public property Static member Version
Get the version of the assembly


  Name Description
Public event BinaryResultsReceived
Broadcast event for binary data
Public event CommandEcho
Broadcast event for text results
Public event ErrorReceived
Broadcast errors received
Public event InfoResultsReceived
Broadcast event for info results
Public event TaggedOutputReceived
Event to broadcast tagged output
Public event TextResultsReceived
Broadcast event for text results

See Also