Filename | Lock Order | Vers. | Description |
db.archmap | 36 | 0 | Mapping entries for lazy-copies |
db.bodresolve | 70 | 0 | Resolve data for stream specifications |
db.bodtext | 71 | 1 | Job data for job attributes |
db.bodtextcx | 72 | 0 | Versioned openable spec fields (for future use) |
db.bodtexthx | 73 | 0 | Head revision of spec fields (for future use) |
db.bodtextsx | 74 | 0 | Shelved openable spec fields (for future use) |
db.bodtextwx | 75 | 0 | Open openable spec fields (for future use) |
db.change | 55 | 4 | Changelists |
db.changeidx | 57 | 1 | Secondary index of db.change/db.changex |
db.changex | 56 | 4 | Subset of db.change - records for pending changelists only |
db.config | 1 | 1 | Server configurations table |
db.counters | 2 | 1 | Counters table |
db.depot | 17 | 1 | Depot specifications |
db.desc | 58 | 0 | Change descriptions |
db.domain | 19 | 7 | Domains: depots, clients, labels, branches, streams, and typemap |
db.excl | 52 | 1 | Exclusively locked (+l) files - enables coordinated file locking in commit/edge server environments |
db.fix | 68 | 1 | Fix records - indexed by job |
db.fixrev | 69 | 1 | Fix records - indexed by change |
db.graphindex | 63 | 0 | Graph depot repository index data |
db.graphperm | 64 | 0 | Graph depot permissions | | 15 | 9 | Group specifications |
db.groupx | 16 | 1 | Per-group data to support group membership controlled by AD/LDAP group membership |
db.have | 30 | 3 | Contains the 'have-list' for all clients | | 29 | 3 | Placeholder for read-only clients |
db.have.rp | 28 | 3 | Contains the 'have-list' for clients of build-server replicas |
db.haveview | 25 | 1 | Stores mapping changes for clients mapping graph depot content |
db.integed | 31 | 0 | Permanent integration records |
db.integtx | 32 | 0 | Temporary integration records used by task streams |
db.ixtext | 76 | 0 | Indexing data for generic and job attributes |
db.ixtexthx | 77 | 0 | Indexing data for head revision of all spec fields (for future use) |
db.jnlack | 83 | 0 | Tracks journal positions of all standby servers |
db.job | 67 | 0 | Job records |
db.label | 27 | 0 | Revisions of files in labels |
db.ldap | 5 | 0 | LDAP specifications |
db.locks | 47 | 2 | Locked/Unlocked files |
db.locksg | 48 | 2 | Lock records for clients of type graph |
db.logger | 4 | 0 | Support for 'p4 logger' command. Logs any changes to changelists and jobs |
db.message | 81 | 0 | System messages |
db.monitor | 84 | 2 | Helix Server process information |
db.nameval | 3 | 1 | A table to store key/value pairs |
db.object | 62 | 0 | Object storage for graph depots | | 80 | 0 | Properties |
db.protect | 79 | 5 | The protections table |
db.pubkey | 66 | 0 | SSH Public keys |
db.ref | 61 | 0 | Reference content for graph depots |
db.refhist | 60 | 0 | Reference history for graph depots |
db.remote | 8 | 1 | Remote specifications |
db.repo | 59 | 2 | Repository specifications |
db.resolve | 33 | 1 | Pending integration records |
db.resolveg | 35 | 0 | Resolve records for clients of type graph |
db.resolvex | 34 | 1 | Pending integration records for shelved files |
db.rev | 45 | 9 | Revision records |
db.revbx | 42 | 9 | Revision records for archived files |
db.revcx | 44 | 0 | Secondary index of db.rev |
db.revdx | 37 | 9 | Revision records for revisions deleted at the head revision |
db.revhx | 38 | 9 | Revision records for revisions NOT deleted at the head revision | | 26 | 1 | User's review mappings |
db.revpx | 39 | 9 | Pending revision records |
db.revsh | 41 | 9 | Revision records for shelved files |
db.revsx | 40 | 9 | Revision records for spec depot files |
db.revtx | 46 | 9 | Task stream revision records |
db.revux | 43 | 9 | Revision records for unload depot files |
db.rmtview | 9 | 1 | View data for remote specifications |
db.sendq | 82 | 4 | Parallel file transmission work queue |
db.server | 6 | 2 | Server specifications |
db.stash | 10 | 0 | Stash data | | 18 | 1 | Stream specifications |
db.submodule | 65 | 0 | Submodule configuration data |
db.svrview | 7 | 0 | View data for servers specifications |
db.template | 20 | 2 | Streams templates |
db.templatesx | 21 | 0 | Shelved stream templates |
db.templatewx | 22 | 0 | Pending stream templates |
db.ticket | 14 | 0 | Second factor authentication state on a per user/host basis |
db.ticket.rp | 13 | 0 | Second factor authentication state on a per user/host basis (replica) |
db.traits | 53 | 0 | Attributes associated with file revisions |
db.trigger | 54 | 3 | Trigger specifications |
db.user | 12 | 7 | User specifications |
db.user.rp | 11 | 7 | Used by replica server's to store login information |
db.uxtext | 78 | 0 | Indexing data for Swarm |
db.view | 24 | 1 | View data for domain records |
db.view.rp | 23 | 1 | View data for clients of build-server replicas |
db.working | 49 | 10 | Records for work in progress |
db.workingg | 51 | 0 | Working records for clients of type graph |
db.workingx | 50 | 10 | Records for shelved open files |
rdb.lbr | Replica server pending archive transfer table | ||
tiny.db | Records revision and content data for files using the +T file type modifier |
To avoid the possibility of deadlock, the Helix Server always locks its tables in a defined order. The section below lists the tables in the order in which they are locked. When a checkpoint is taken, the order of the database file content written to the checkpoint follows the table locking order.
Lock Order | Filename | Vers. | Description |
1 | db.config | 1 | Server configurations table |
2 | db.counters | 1 | Counters table |
3 | db.nameval | 1 | A table to store key/value pairs |
4 | db.logger | 0 | Support for 'p4 logger' command. Logs any changes to changelists and jobs |
5 | db.ldap | 0 | LDAP specifications |
6 | db.server | 2 | Server specifications |
7 | db.svrview | 0 | View data for servers specifications |
8 | db.remote | 1 | Remote specifications |
9 | db.rmtview | 1 | View data for remote specifications |
10 | db.stash | 0 | Stash data |
11 | db.user.rp | 7 | Used by replica server's to store login information |
12 | db.user | 7 | User specifications |
13 | db.ticket.rp | 0 | Second factor authentication state on a per user/host basis (replica) |
14 | db.ticket | 0 | Second factor authentication state on a per user/host basis |
15 | | 9 | Group specifications |
16 | db.groupx | 1 | Per-group data to support group membership controlled by AD/LDAP group membership |
17 | db.depot | 1 | Depot specifications |
18 | | 1 | Stream specifications |
19 | db.domain | 7 | Domains: depots, clients, labels, branches, streams, and typemap |
20 | db.template | 2 | Streams templates |
21 | db.templatesx | 0 | Shelved stream templates |
22 | db.templatewx | 0 | Pending stream templates |
23 | db.view.rp | 1 | View data for clients of build-server replicas |
24 | db.view | 1 | View data for domain records |
25 | db.haveview | 1 | Stores mapping changes for clients mapping graph depot content |
26 | | 1 | User's review mappings |
27 | db.label | 0 | Revisions of files in labels |
28 | db.have.rp | 3 | Contains the 'have-list' for clients of build-server replicas |
29 | | 3 | Placeholder for read-only clients |
30 | db.have | 3 | Contains the 'have-list' for all clients |
31 | db.integed | 0 | Permanent integration records |
32 | db.integtx | 0 | Temporary integration records used by task streams |
33 | db.resolve | 1 | Pending integration records |
34 | db.resolvex | 1 | Pending integration records for shelved files |
35 | db.resolveg | 0 | Resolve records for clients of type graph |
36 | db.archmap | 0 | Mapping entries for lazy-copies |
37 | db.revdx | 9 | Revision records for revisions deleted at the head revision |
38 | db.revhx | 9 | Revision records for revisions NOT deleted at the head revision |
39 | db.revpx | 9 | Pending revision records |
40 | db.revsx | 9 | Revision records for spec depot files |
41 | db.revsh | 9 | Revision records for shelved files |
42 | db.revbx | 9 | Revision records for archived files |
43 | db.revux | 9 | Revision records for unload depot files |
44 | db.revcx | 0 | Secondary index of db.rev |
45 | db.rev | 9 | Revision records |
46 | db.revtx | 9 | Task stream revision records |
47 | db.locks | 2 | Locked/Unlocked files |
48 | db.locksg | 2 | Lock records for clients of type graph |
49 | db.working | 10 | Records for work in progress |
50 | db.workingx | 10 | Records for shelved open files |
51 | db.workingg | 0 | Working records for clients of type graph |
52 | db.excl | 1 | Exclusively locked (+l) files - enables coordinated file locking in commit/edge server environments |
53 | db.traits | 0 | Attributes associated with file revisions |
54 | db.trigger | 3 | Trigger specifications |
55 | db.change | 4 | Changelists |
56 | db.changex | 4 | Subset of db.change - records for pending changelists only |
57 | db.changeidx | 1 | Secondary index of db.change/db.changex |
58 | db.desc | 0 | Change descriptions |
59 | db.repo | 2 | Repository specifications |
60 | db.refhist | 0 | Reference history for graph depots |
61 | db.ref | 0 | Reference content for graph depots |
62 | db.object | 0 | Object storage for graph depots |
63 | db.graphindex | 0 | Graph depot repository index data |
64 | db.graphperm | 0 | Graph depot permissions |
65 | db.submodule | 0 | Submodule configuration data |
66 | db.pubkey | 0 | SSH Public keys |
67 | db.job | 0 | Job records |
68 | db.fix | 1 | Fix records - indexed by job |
69 | db.fixrev | 1 | Fix records - indexed by change |
70 | db.bodresolve | 0 | Resolve data for stream specifications |
71 | db.bodtext | 1 | Job data for job attributes |
72 | db.bodtextcx | 0 | Versioned openable spec fields (for future use) |
73 | db.bodtexthx | 0 | Head revision of spec fields (for future use) |
74 | db.bodtextsx | 0 | Shelved openable spec fields (for future use) |
75 | db.bodtextwx | 0 | Open openable spec fields (for future use) |
76 | db.ixtext | 0 | Indexing data for generic and job attributes |
77 | db.ixtexthx | 0 | Indexing data for head revision of all spec fields (for future use) |
78 | db.uxtext | 0 | Indexing data for Swarm |
79 | db.protect | 5 | The protections table |
80 | | 0 | Properties |
81 | db.message | 0 | System messages |
82 | db.sendq | 4 | Parallel file transmission work queue |
83 | db.jnlack | 0 | Tracks journal positions of all standby servers |
84 | db.monitor | 2 | Helix Server process information |
The following table lists the upgrade operations performed by p4d -xu and shows the release in which each upgrade was introduced.
Upgrade | Release | Description | Notes |
1 | 2001.1 | Split db.integ into db.integed and db.resolve | |
2 | 2001.1 | Split db.have into db.have and db.label | |
3 | 2002.1 | Split db.change into db.change and db.changex | |
4 | 2002.2 | Upgrade tempobj filetype in db.rev | |
5 | 2002.2 | Upgrade tempobj filetype in db.working | |
6 | 2003.1 | Initialize default depot | |
7 | 2003.2 | Upgrade db.user | |
8 | 2005.1 | Build db.revhx (headrev) table | |
9 | 2005.1 | Rebuild db.locks from db.working | |
10 | 2005.1 | Build lazy-copy index (db.archive) | Removed in 2006.2 |
11 | 2005.2 | Build db.revdx (delrev) table | |
12 | 2005.2 | Build haveMap from db.have/db.working | Moved to 16 in 2007.3 |
13 | 2005.2 | Move spec depot entries into db.revsx | |
14 | 2006.2 | Build db.archmap (lazy-copy map) table | Moved to 17 in 2007.3 |
15 | 2006.2 | Remove (obsolete) db.archive table | Moved to 18 in 2007.3 |
16 | 2007.3 | Build/Rebuild haveMap from db.have/db.working | Rewritten in 2007.3 |
17 | 2007.3 | Build/Rebuild db.archmap (lazy-copy map) table | Rewritten in 2007.3 |
18 | 2007.3 | Remove (obsolete) db.archive table | Moved from 15 in 2007.3 |
19 | 2008.1 | Build db.change common path | |
20 | 2009.2 | Move db.boddate/db.ixdate into db.bodtext/db.ixtext | |
21 | 2009.2 | Remove db.boddate/db.ixdate | |
22 | 2010.2 | Move system counters into db.config | |
23 | 2011.1 | Upgrade tiny.db | |
24 | 2015.2 | Move LDAP specs into db.ldap | |
25 | 2016.1 | Create db.templatesx and db.templatewx | |
26 | 2016.2 | Initialize graph depot | |
27 | 2017.1 | Rename repo specifications, build owner graph permissions, remove db.repoview | |
28 | 2017.2 | No upgrades - upgrade counter value increment only |
The following table lists the upgrade operations performed by a server when first configured as a commit server and shows the release in which each upgrade was introduced.
Upgrade | Release | Description | Notes |
commit-server | 2013.2 | Generate exclusive locks | Generate exclusive lock records in db.excl based on db.working data. |
commit-server | 2014.1 | Promote Shelves | Promote existing shelves by updating changeStatus in db.change and db.changex. |
Name | Type | Description |
lbrFile | File | Paths in the librarian namespace that receive lazy copies. |
depotFile | File | Paths in the depot namespace that provide lazy copies. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | SpecType | The spec type |
client | Domain | The client name |
toKey | String | To Key |
attr | Int | The attribute value |
fromKey | String | From key |
fromChange | Change | From change |
baseKey | String | Base Key |
baseChange | Change | Base change |
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | The job to which this attribute belongs |
attr | Int | The attribute number (from the jobspec) of this attribute |
isBulk | Int | Indicates whether (1), or not (0) the field is a bulk text field that should not be indexed. |
text | Text | The attribute value |
Name | Type | Description |
type | Int | The type of spec |
key | String | The spec to which this attribute belongs |
change | Change | The change to which this attribute belongs |
attr | Int | The attribute number of this attribute |
text | Text | The attribute value |
Name | Type | Description |
type | Int | The type of spec |
key | String | The spec to which this attribute belongs |
attr | Int | The attribute number of this attribute |
bulk | Int | Indicates whether (1), or not (0) the field is a bulk text field that should not be indexed. |
text | Text | The attribute value |
Name | Type | Description |
type | Int | The type of spec |
shelf | Change | The shelf to which this attribute belongs |
key | String | The spec to which this attribute belongs |
attr | Int | The attribute number of this attribute |
text | Text | The attribute value |
workChange | Change | The working change |
Name | Type | Description |
type | Int | The type of spec |
client | String | The client the spec is opened on |
key | String | The spec to which this attribute belongs |
attr | Int | The attribute number of this attribute |
text | Text | The attribute value |
workChange | Change | The working change |
Name | Type | Description |
change | Change | The change number |
descKey | Change | The description key. Normally the same as 'change', but may differ if a changelist was renumbered on submission. |
client | Domain | The client from which the change originates |
user | User | The user who owns the change |
date | Date | Date and time the changelist was submitted |
status | ChangeStatus | Status of the change |
description | DescShort | Short description of the change. |
root | Mapping | Common path for all files in the changelist |
importer | String | The user who fetched or pushed this change to this server |
identify | String | Identifier for this change |
access | Date | Shelve last access |
Name | Type | Description |
identity | String | Identifier for this change |
change | Change | Changelist |
Name | Type | Description |
change | Change | The change number |
descKey | Change | The description key. Normally the same as 'change', but may differ if a changelist was renumbered on submission. |
client | Domain | The client from which the change originates |
user | User | The user who owns the change |
date | Date | Date and time the changelist was submitted |
status | ChangeStatus | Status of the change |
description | DescShort | Short description of the change. |
root | Mapping | Common path for all files in the changelist |
importer | String | The user who fetched or pushed this change to this server |
identify | String | Identifier for this change |
access | Date | Shelve last access |
Name | Type | Description |
sname | String | Server name |
name | String | Configuration variable name |
value | Value | Configuration variable value |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Counter | Counter name |
value | Value | Counter value |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Depot name |
type | DepotType | Type of depot |
extra | Text | For remote depots, the P4PORT address of the remote server. For spec depots, the field contains a suffix to append to the filename. |
map | Text | The depot's map (path translation information). For local depots, this will be a path relative to the root directory. For remote depots, this will be specified in terms of the remote server's namespace. |
Name | Type | Description |
descKey | Change | Original number of the change to which this description applies. This may differ from the final change number if the change is renumbered on submission. |
description | Text | The change description itself |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Domain name |
type | DomainType | Type of domain |
extra | Text | Formerly "host". Associated host or, for labels, revision number. |
mount | Text | The client root |
mount2 | Text | Alternate client root |
mount3 | Text | Alternate client root |
owner | User | Name of user who owns the domain. |
updateDate | Date | Date of last update to domain specification. |
accessDate | Date | Date of last access to domain specification. |
options | DomainOpts | Options for client, label, and branch domains. |
description | Text | Description of domain. |
stream | Domain | Associated stream for client records |
serverid | Text | Associated server ID for client records |
contents | Int | Client domain contents. 1: Maps only classic depot files, 2: Maps only graph depot files, 3: Maps both classic and graph depot files |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file locked |
client | Domain | The client for which the file is locked |
user | User | The user for which the file is locked |
Name | Type | Description |
job | String | Job name |
change | Change | Changelist number |
date | Date | Date fix was recorded (may differ from date change was submitted). |
status | FixStatus | Status of the job |
client | Domain | The client where the fix originated |
user | User | The user who fixed the job |
Name | Type | Description |
job | String | Job name |
change | Change | Changelist number |
date | Date | Date fix was recorded (may differ from date change was submitted). |
status | FixStatus | Status of the job |
client | Domain | The client where the fix originated |
user | User | The user who fixed the job |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | ID of repo index belongs to |
fileName | String | File name (minus the repo name) |
commitDate | Date | Descending historical commit sequence |
blobSHA | SHA1 | SHA of blob |
commitSHA | SHA1 | SHA of commit that added/edited this file |
flags | Int | Miscellaneous flags |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Graph depot name |
repo | String | Repository name |
ref | String | Reference |
type | UserType | Type of user |
user | User | User or Group for permission |
perm | GraphPermType | Permission |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | User name |
group | User | Group name |
type | UserType | Type of user in this group. |
maxResults | MaxResults | MaxResults setting for the group. |
maxScanRows | MaxScanRows | MaxScanRows setting for the group. |
maxLockTime | MaxLockTime | MaxLockTime setting for the group. |
maxOpenFiles | MaxOpenFiles | MaxOpenFiles setting for the group. |
timeout | Int | Length of time (in seconds) a login ticket remains valid. |
passwordTimeout | Int | Length of time (in seconds) a password remains valid for users in the group. |
Name | Type | Description |
group | User | Group name |
ldapConf | String | The LDAP configuration to use when populating the group's user list from an LDAP query |
ldapSearchQuery | String | The LDAP query used to identify the members of the group |
ldapUserAttribute | String | The LDAP attribute that represents the user's username |
ldapDNAttribute | String | The LDAP attribute that represents the user's DN |
Name | Type | Description |
clientFile | File | The file in its location on the client |
depotFile | File | The file in the depot |
haveRev | Rev | The revision synced to the client |
type | FileType | The filetype of the synced revision |
time | Date | The sync time of the synced revision |
Name | Type | Description |
clientFile | File | The file in its location on the client |
depotFile | File | The file in the depot |
haveRev | Rev | The revision synced to the client |
type | FileType | The filetype of the synced revision |
time | Date | The sync time of the synced revision |
Name | Type | Description |
clientFile | File | The file in its location on the client |
depotFile | File | The file in the depot |
haveRev | Rev | The revision synced to the client |
type | FileType | The filetype of the synced revision |
time | Date | The sync time of the synced revision |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Domain name to which this view applies |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering multi-line views |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
viewFile | Mapping | The right-hand-side of the view. For clients, this is the client-side, for labels it's the generated label view. For branches, it's the target side of the branch view. |
depotFile | Mapping | The left-hand-side of the view - a mapping to file(s) in the depot. |
Name | Type | Description |
toFile | File | File to which integration is being performed (target). |
fromFile | File | File from which integration is being performed (source). |
startFromRev | Rev | Starting revision of fromFile |
endFromRev | Rev | Ending revision of fromFile |
startToRev | Rev | Start revision of toFile into which integration was performed. |
endToRev | Rev | End revision of toFile into which integration was performed. Only varies from startToRev for reverse integration records. |
how | IntegHow | Integration method: variations on merge/branch/copy/ignore/delete. |
change | Change | Changelist associated with the integration. |
Name | Type | Description |
toFile | File | File to which integration is being performed (target). |
fromFile | File | File from which integration is being performed (source). |
startFromRev | Rev | Starting revision of fromFile |
endFromRev | Rev | Ending revision of fromFile |
startToRev | Rev | Start revision of toFile into which integration was performed. |
endToRev | Rev | End revision of toFile into which integration was performed. Only varies from startToRev for reverse integration records. |
how | IntegHow | Integration method: variations on merge/branch/copy/ignore/delete. |
change | Change | Changelist associated with the integration. |
Name | Type | Description |
word | String | The word being indexed |
attr | Int | The attribute number to which this word belongs. For job data, the attribute number from the jobspec. |
value | String | For job data, a job name. For generic data, the value of the index keyed by the word. |
Name | Type | Description |
type | String | The type |
word | String | The word being indexed |
attr | Int | The attribute number to which this word belongs. |
value | String | The value of the index keyed by the word. |
Name | Type | Description |
serverId | Domain | The serverId of the standby for whom this record applies |
lastUpdate | Date | The date and time of last update |
serverType | ServerServiceType | The server services offered by this standby |
persistedJnl | Int | The last journal number persisted by this standby |
persistedPos | Int64 | The last journal position persisted by this standby |
isAlive | Int | 1 = alive |
appliedJnl | Int | The last journal number applied to this standby |
appliedPos | Int64 | The last journal position applied to this standby |
Name | Type | Description |
job | String | The job name |
xuser | User | User name: defunct |
xdate | Date | The date: defunct |
xstatus | JobStat | Job status: defunct |
description | DescShort | Short description |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Name of the label |
depotFile | File | File name |
haveRev | Rev | The revision of the file in the label |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The LDAP configuration name |
host | String | The FQDN of the directory server |
port | String | The port number on which to connect to the directory server |
ssl | String | The encryption method to use when connecting to the The FQDN of the directory server. Options are: 'none', 'ssl' and 'tls' |
type | String | The bind method to use with this directory. Options are: 'simple', 'search' and 'sasl'. |
pattern | String | The DN used to bind against to validate the user's credentials. |
basedn | String | The DN from which to start the search for the user object |
filter | String | The LDAP query filter to use to identify the user object which will be used to bind against |
scope | String | The scope to use when searching for the user records. Options are: 0 = baseonly - Just the BaseDN object 1 = children - The BaseDN and its direct children 2 = subtree - The BaseDN and all objects below it |
binddn | String | The DN to bind against in order to search the directory |
bindpass | String | The password for the BindDN record |
realm | String | The optional realm to use when authenticating the user via SASL |
grpbasedn | String | The search base for performing the group search. If unset this will default to the SearchBaseDN |
grpfilter | String | The filter to use for the group search |
grpscope | String | The scope to use when performing the group search.Options are: 0 = baseonly - Just the BaseDN object 1 = children - The BaseDN and its direct children 2 = subtree - The BaseDN and all objects below it |
options | String | LDAP Options: [no]downcase [no]getattrs [no]realminusername |
attruid | String | The name of the attribute in the directory's user records that contain the users' UIDs |
attremail | String | The name of the attribute in the directory's user records that contain the users' email addresses. |
attrename | String | The name(s) of the attribute(s) in the directory's user records that contain the users' full names. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | File in depot |
client | Domain | Domain (client) in which file is open |
user | User | User who presently has the file open |
action | Action | Action file is open for: add, edit, delete, branch, integrate, or import |
isLocked | Int | Flag: 0 for unlocked, 1 for locked |
change | Int | Changelist in which the revision is open: 0 for the default changelist |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | File in depot |
client | Domain | Domain (client) in which file is open |
user | User | User who presently has the file open |
action | Action | Action file is open for: add, edit, delete, branch, integrate, or import |
isLocked | Int | Flag: 0 for unlocked, 1 for locked |
change | Int | Changelist in which the revision is open: 0 for the default changelist |
Name | Type | Description |
seq | Int | Sequence number of event |
key | String | Either the word 'change' or the word 'job' |
attr | String | The number of the change, or name of the job that was altered. |
Name | Type | Description |
language | String | The language for which this message applies |
id | Int | The message number |
message | String | The message text |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Int | Thread/process id |
user | User | Username of the user running the command |
function | String | The command being executed. |
args | String | Arguments passed to the command |
startDate | Date | The date and time the command started |
runstate | Int | Flag: 0 for running, 1 for terminated, 2 for paused |
client | Domain | The client workspace |
host | Text | The IP address of the client |
prog | Text | The name (and version) of the client program |
lockInfo | Text | Table locking information for command |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Key | Key name |
value | Value | Key value |
Name | Type | Description |
sha | SHA1 | SHA1 |
type | ObjectType | Type |
data | Octet String | Data |
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The property name |
sequence | String | Sequence number of property |
type | Int | 1=user, 2=group; set if '-u | -g' option used with 'p4 property' |
scope | String | The user or group the property applies to |
value | String | The property value |
date | String | The date/time the property was last updated |
user | String | The user that last modified the property |
Name | Type | Description |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering the protections table |
isGroup | Int | Flag: 0 for a per-user setting, 1 for a per-group setting. |
user | UserWild | User(s), or Group(s) for whom this record applies. |
host | DomainWild | Domain(s) (IP addresses) for which this record applies. |
perm | Perm | Permissions to be granted/revoked |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Flag: Map the files in or out? |
depotFile | Mapping | Files to be mapped in or out. |
subPath | String | Root path of the sub-protections table |
update | Date | Date this specification was last modified |
Name | Type | Description |
user | String | User |
scope | String | Scope |
key | String | Key |
digest | Digest | Digest |
update | Date | Update date |
Name | Type | Description |
repo | String | Repository name |
name | String | Reference name |
type | RefType | Reference type |
ref | SHA1 | Target of the reference |
symref | String | Target of symbolic reference |
Name | Type | Description |
repo | String | Repository name |
name | String | Reference name |
type | RefType | Reference type |
action | RefAction | Reference action |
date | Date | The date the reference was updated |
user | User | The user who made the reference update |
ref | SHA1 | Encoded reference value |
symref | String | Symbolic reference |
Name | Type | Description |
id | RemoteID | The remote identifier |
owner | User | The user who created this remote |
options | Int | Remote options: 0: unlocked/nocompress, 1: locked/nocompress, 2: unlocked/compress, 4: locked/compress |
address | Text | The P4PORT used by the remote server |
desc | Text | Description of the remote server |
update | Date | The date this specification was last modified |
access | Date | The date of the last push/fetch on this remote |
fetch | Change | The last changelist that was fetched |
push | Change | The last changelist that was pushed |
rmtuser | User | The user to use when connecting to the remote server |
Name | Type | Description |
repo | String | Name of the repo |
owner | User | Owner of the repo |
created | Date | Date the repo specification was created |
pushed | Date | Date of the last push to the repo |
forked | String | Name of the repo from which this repo was forked |
desc | String | Repo Description |
branch | String | Default branch to clone from the repo |
mirror | String | Upstream URL that this repo is mirrored (readonly) from |
options | Int | Repo options: 0 = nolfs, 1 = lfs |
id | Int | Repo index ID |
Name | Type | Description |
toFile | File | File to which integration is being performed (target). |
fromFile | File | File from which integration is being performed (source). |
startFromRev | Rev | Starting revision of fromFile |
endFromRev | Rev | Ending revision of fromFile |
startToRev | Rev | Start revision of toFile into which integration was performed. |
endToRev | Rev | End revision of toFile into which integration was performed. Only varies from startToRev for reverse integration records. |
how | IntegHow | Integration method: variations on merge/branch/copy/ignore/delete. |
state | ResolveState | How the user performed the resolve. |
baseFile | File | File used as the base for merging. |
baseRev | Rev | Revision of baseFile used as the merge base. |
Name | Type | Description |
toFile | File | ToFile |
fromFile | File | FromFile |
baseSHA | SHA1 | Base SHA |
wantsSHA | SHA1 | Wants SHA |
how | IntegHow | How |
state | ResolvedStatus | State |
Name | Type | Description |
toFile | File | File to which integration is being performed (target). |
fromFile | File | File from which integration is being performed (source). |
startFromRev | Rev | Starting revision of fromFile |
endFromRev | Rev | Ending revision of fromFile |
startToRev | Rev | Start revision of toFile into which integration was performed. |
endToRev | Rev | End revision of toFile into which integration was performed. Only varies from startToRev for reverse integration records. |
how | IntegHow | Integration method: variations on merge/branch/copy/ignore/delete. |
state | ResolveState | How the user performed the resolve. |
baseFile | File | File used as the base for merging. |
baseRev | Rev | Revision of baseFile used as the merge base. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | A user name |
seq | Int | Sequence number: used for ordering multi-line views |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
depotFile | Mapping | The files to be reviewed |
type | Reviewer | Type of reviewer |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
depotRev | Rev | The revision number |
type | FileType | The file type of the revision |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
date | Date | The date/time the changelist that created the revision was submitted |
modTime | Date | The timestamp on the file in the user's workspace when the revision was submitted. |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision. |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
traitLot | TraitLot | Group of traits (attributes) associated with the revision. |
lbrIsLazy | RevStatus | Specifies whether or not the revision gets its content from another file (lazy copy), data about promotion of revision content from task streams, and data about revision charset information. |
lbrFile | File | Filename for librarian's purposes. Specifies location in the archives where the file containing the revision may be found. Usually the same as depotFile, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
lbrRev | String | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content. |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision. Usually the same as type, but differs in the case of branched/copied revisions. |
Name | Type | Description |
id | RemoteID | Remote name |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering multi-line views |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
localFile | Mapping | Local file |
remoteFile | Mapping | Remote file |
retain | Int | ArchiveLimits |
Name | Type | Description |
taskID | Int | The process id (PID) of the sync |
seq | Int | Sequence number |
handle | Text | Handle |
depotFile | File | The file in the depot |
clientFile | File | The file in its location on the client |
haveRev | Rev | Have revision |
type | FileType | File type |
modtime | Date | Modification time |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
lbrFile | File | Librarian filename |
lbrRev | LbrRev | The revision of lbrFile that contains the revision content |
lbrType | FileType | The file type of the librarian revision |
flags | Int | Flags |
clientType | FileType | The client file type of the revision |
bsha | SHA1 | The Blob SHA |
reposlot | Int | reposlot |
sdigest | Digest | sdigest |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Text | The server identifier |
type | ServerType | The server type: server/broker/proxy |
name | Text | The P4NAME used by this server |
address | Text | The P4PORT used by this server |
externalAddress | Text | For an edge server, this optional field contains its external address for connections from the commit server. This field is required for federated parallel submit. |
services | ServerServiceType | Service provided by this server |
desc | Text | Server description |
user | User | The service user used by this server |
Name | Type | Description |
client | Domain | Client the stash refers to |
stream | Domain | Stream the stash refers to |
type | StashType | Stash type |
seq | Int | Sequence number |
change | Change | Stash change number |
Name | Type | Description |
stream | Domain | Stream name |
parent | Domain | Parent stream name |
title | Text | Stream title (alias for the stream name) |
type | StreamType | The type of stream |
preview | Date | Stream template modification time |
change | Change | Last submit to stream |
copychg | Change | Parent change at last copy |
mergechg | Change | Parent change at last merge |
highchg | Change | Highest change at last merge |
hash | Int | Hash value of dynamic branch |
status | StreamStatus | Flow status |
Name | Type | Description |
repo | String | Repository name |
path | String | Path at which the submodule is linked |
subrepo | String | Submodule repository name |
Name | Type | Description |
id | Text | Server name |
type | SvrViewType | View type |
seq | Int | Sequence (line) number |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
viewFile | Mapping | View file |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Stream name |
change | Change | Versioned at change |
seq | Int | Sequence (line) number |
parent | Domain | Parent stream name |
type | StreamType | Type of stream |
path | StreamPathType | Stream path type |
viewFile | Mapping | View file (left hand side of path) |
depotFile | Mapping | Depot file (right hand side of path) |
changeMap | Value | Stream 'import' path changelist specifier. The changelist limits in effect for a given client are displayed in a read-only client spec field called 'ChangeView' |
Name | Type | Description |
shelf | Change | Shelf changelist number |
name | Domain | Stream name |
seq | Int | Sequence (line) number |
change | Change | Versioned at change |
parent | Domain | Parent stream name |
type | StreamType | Type of stream |
path | StreamPathType | Stream path type |
viewFile | Mapping | View file (left hand side of path) |
depotFile | Mapping | Depot file (right hand side of path) |
changeMap | Value | Stream 'import' path changelist specifier. The changelist limits in effect for a given client are displayed in a read-only client spec field called 'ChangeView' |
Name | Type | Description |
client | Domain | Stream client |
name | Domain | Stream name |
seq | Int | Sequence (line) number |
change | Change | Versioned at change |
parent | Domain | Parent stream name |
type | StreamType | Type of stream |
path | StreamPathType | Stream path type |
viewFile | Mapping | View file (left hand side of path) |
depotFile | Mapping | Depot file (right hand side of path) |
changeMap | Value | Stream 'import' path changelist specifier. The changelist limits in effect for a given client are displayed in a read-only client spec field called 'ChangeView' |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | User the ticket was issued for |
host | String | Host the ticket was issued for |
ticket | Password | The 'p4 login' ticket for this user |
state | 2FAState | The state of 2 Factor Authentication |
token | String | The 2 Factor Authentication token |
updateDate | Date | The date of the last ticket update |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | User the ticket was issued for |
host | String | Host the ticket was issued for |
ticket | Password | The 'p4 login' ticket for this user |
state | 2FAState | The state of 2 Factor Authentication |
token | String | The 2 Factor Authentication token |
updateDate | Date | The date of the last ticket update |
Name | Type | Description |
traitLot | Int | Indicates a specific collection of traits (referred to externally as "attributes".) |
name | String | Trait (attribute) name |
type | TraitType | Type of trait |
value | Octet String | The value |
Name | Type | Description |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering the trigger list |
name | String | Name of the trigger |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping: specifies whether the trigger applies to the files or not. |
depotFile | Mapping | The files to apply the trigger to |
triggerDepotFile | File | Depot path to the trigger |
trigger | Trigger | Type of trigger |
action | Text | Command to execute when trigger runs |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The username |
Text | The user's email address | |
jobView | Text | The user's job view |
updateDate | Date | The date/time the user record was last updated |
accessDate | Date | The date/time the user record was last used |
fullName | Text | The user's full name |
password | Password | The MD5 hash of the users (encrypted) password |
strength | Strength | Measure of the strength of the user's password |
ticket | Password | 'p4 login' ticket for this user |
endDate | Date | Date/time the user's ticket expires |
type | UserLevel | Type of user |
passDate | Date | Date password was last changed |
passExpire | Date | Date of password expiration |
attempts | Date | Failed login attempts |
auth | UserAuthType | Authentication method (AuthMethod) for the user |
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The username |
Text | The user's email address | |
jobView | Text | The user's job view |
updateDate | Date | The date/time the user record was last updated |
accessDate | Date | The date/time the user record was last used |
fullName | Text | The user's full name |
password | Password | The MD5 hash of the users (encrypted) password |
strength | Strength | Measure of the strength of the user's password |
ticket | Password | 'p4 login' ticket for this user |
endDate | Date | Date/time the user's ticket expires |
type | UserLevel | Type of user |
passDate | Date | Date password was last changed |
passExpire | Date | Date of password expiration |
attempts | Date | Failed login attempts |
auth | UserAuthType | Authentication method (AuthMethod) for the user |
Name | Type | Description |
word | String | The word being indexed |
attr | Int | The attribute number to which this word belongs. For job data, the attribute number from the jobspec. |
value | String | For job data, a job name. For generic data, the value of the index keyed by the word. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Domain name to which this view applies |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering multi-line views |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
viewFile | Mapping | The right-hand-side of the view. For clients, this is the client-side, for labels it's the generated label view. For branches, it's the target side of the branch view. |
depotFile | Mapping | The left-hand-side of the view - a mapping to file(s) in the depot. |
Name | Type | Description |
name | Domain | Domain name to which this view applies |
seq | Int | Sequence number: for ordering multi-line views |
mapFlag | MapFlag | Type of mapping |
viewFile | Mapping | The right-hand-side of the view. For clients, this is the client-side, for labels it's the generated label view. For branches, it's the target side of the branch view. |
depotFile | Mapping | The left-hand-side of the view - a mapping to file(s) in the depot. |
Name | Type | Description |
clientFile | File | File on the client |
depotFile | File | File in the depot |
client | Domain | The client the file is opened on |
user | User | The user who has the file opened |
haveRev | Rev | Revision presently in user's client workspace |
workRev | Rev | Working revision; normally identical to the haveRev |
isVirtual | Int | Flag: if 1, file was opened with "p4 integ -v". |
type | FileType | File type |
action | Action | What the user's doing with the file |
change | Change | Associated changelist, or zero for the default changelist. |
modTime | Date | Modification timestamp on the file in the user's workspace. |
isLocked | Int | Flag: 0 for unlocked, 1 for locked. |
digest | Digest | MD5 digest of working file. |
size | Int64 | File size |
traitLot | Int | Group of traits associated with file revision. |
tampered | TamperCheck | Flag indicating the tamper-state of the file in the workspace. |
clntType | FileType | Type of the file in the client workspace. |
mFile | File | Moved filename |
status | Int | Working status |
Name | Type | Description |
cfile | File | Client File |
dfile | File | Depot File |
client | Domain | Client |
user | User | User |
hrev | Rev | HaveRev |
wrev | Rev | WoringRev |
virtual | Int | Virtual |
type | FileType | File type |
action | Action | Action |
change | Change | Change |
modtime | Date | ModTime |
islocked | Int | IsLocked |
digest | Digest | MD5 digest |
size | Int64 | File size |
traitlot | Int | TraitLot |
tampered | TamperCheck | Tampered |
ctype | FileType | ClientType |
mfile | File | Moved filename |
status | Int | Working status |
sha | SHA1 | Blob SHA |
repo | String | Repository name |
Name | Type | Description |
clientFile | File | File on the client |
depotFile | File | File in the depot |
client | Domain | The client the file is opened on |
user | User | The user who has the file opened |
haveRev | Rev | Revision presently in user's client workspace |
workRev | Rev | Working revision; normally identical to the haveRev |
isVirtual | Int | Flag: if 1, file was opened with "p4 integ -v". |
type | FileType | File type |
action | Action | What the user's doing with the file |
change | Change | Associated changelist, or zero for the default changelist. |
modTime | Date | Modification timestamp on the file in the user's workspace. |
isLocked | Int | Flag: 0 for unlocked, 1 for locked. |
digest | Digest | MD5 digest of working file. |
size | Int64 | File size |
traitLot | Int | Group of traits associated with file revision. |
tampered | TamperCheck | Flag indicating the tamper-state of the file in the workspace. |
clntType | FileType | Type of the file in the client workspace. |
mFile | File | Moved filename |
status | Int | Working status |
Name | Type | Description |
depotFile | File | The file name |
lbrRev | String | The librarian revision |
type | String | The file type of the revision |
status | PullStatus | The status of the archive transfer |
action | Action | The action that created the revision |
digest | Digest | The MD5 digest of the revision |
size | FileSize | The size of the file in bytes |
change | Change | The changelist that created the revision |
lbrDate | Date | Librarian date |
lbrModTime | Date | Librarian modtime |
pid | Int | The process id (PID) of the pull process |
requestTime | Date | Pull request time |
retries | Int | The number of retries that have occurred after transfer error |
transferError | String | The error message for a failed transfer |
Name | Type | Description |
fileAndRev | String | The file name and revision |
fileContent | Octet String | The (encoded) file content |
Second factor authentication scheme and status
Value | Explanation |
0x0001 | otp-generated; one-time password generated |
0x0002 | otp-requested; one-time password requested |
0x0003 | challenge; challenge/response |
0x0004 | external; 3rd-party prompting |
Value | Explanation |
0x0100 | authenticated; host is authenticated |
0x0200 | persisted; 2FA persists for this host |
0x0400 | forced; superuser skipped the checks |
0x0800 | skipped; 2FA was not required |
0x1000 | waiting; waiting on 2FA service |
0x2000 | token-requested; OTP requested from 2FA service |
0x4000 | required; 2FA required |
0x8000 | rejected; external 2FA was rejected |
Revisions are produced by user actions. The Action type defines the available actions and their internal values.
Value | Explanation |
0 | add; user adds a file |
1 | edit; user edits a file |
2 | delete; user deletes a file |
3 | branch; add via integration |
4 | integ; edit via integration |
5 | import; add via remote depot |
6 | purge; purged revision, no longer available |
7 | movefrom; move from another filename |
8 | moveto; move to another filename |
9 | archive; stored in archive depot |
A integer value representing the status of a change
Value | Explanation |
0 | pending |
1 | submitted |
2 | shelved |
4 | restricted, pending |
5 | restricted, submitted |
6 | restricted, shelved |
18 | promoted shelf, public |
22 | promoted shelf, restricted |
34 | unsubmitted shelf, public |
38 | unsubmitted shelf, restricted |
The type of a given depot
Value | Explanation |
0 | local depot |
1 | remote depot |
2 | spec depot |
3 | stream depot |
4 | archive depot |
5 | unload depot |
6 | tangent depot |
7 | graph depot |
A integer value representing the options for a domain
Value | Explanation |
0x0001 | modtime |
0x0002 | clobber |
0x0004 | allwrite |
0x0008 | locked |
0x0020 | compress |
0x0040 | rmdir |
0x1000 | indirect (obsolete since 2004.2) |
0x8000 | autoreload |
Value | Explanation |
0x00000 | client is writeable |
0x10000 | client is readonly |
0x20000 | client is nobackup |
0x110000 | client is partitioned |
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | local |
0x0010 | unix (LF) |
0x0200 | mac (CR) |
0x0300 | win (CRLF) |
0x0400 | share (LF/CRLF) |
Value | Explanation |
0x1000 | Revert unchanged files |
0x2000 | Leave unchanged files |
0x4000 | Submit, and re-open unchanged files |
Value | Explanation |
0x0001 | allsubmit or ownersubmit |
0x0002 | locked or unlocked |
0x0004 | change flows to parent |
0x0008 | change flows from parent |
0x0010 | mergeany or mergedown |
A integer value representing the type of a domain
Value | Explanation |
67 (ASCII 'C') | unloaded client |
76 (ASCII 'L') | unloaded label |
83 (ASCII 'S') | unloaded task stream |
98 (ASCII 'b') | branch |
99 (ASCII 'c') | client |
100 (ASCII 'd') | depot |
108 (ASCII 'l') | label |
115 (ASCII 's') | stream |
116 (ASCII 't') | typemap |
The FileType is a bitmask specifying the type and modifiers of a revision from both the client and server points of view. The first 16 bits are used to store the storage type and modifiers, the next 16 bits are used to store the client access method and modifiers.
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | RCS |
0x0001 | Binary |
0x0002 | Tiny |
0x0003 | Compressed |
0x0004 | tempobj (deprecated since 2002.1) |
0x0005 | Detect type. Used internally when no type is given by the user. |
0x0006 | Compressed tempobj (deprecated since 2002.1) |
0x0007 | Binary access to compressed data. Used internally. |
0x0008 | Stored externally via librarian trigger |
Value | Explanation |
0x0010 | 99.2-style keyword expansion/contraction |
0x0020 | 2000.1-style keyword expansion/contraction |
0x0030 | Any type of keyword expansion |
0x0040 | Exclusive open |
0x0080 | New tempobj (+S modifier) |
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | +S1 |
0x0100 | +S2 |
0x0200 | +S3 |
0x0300 | +S4 |
0x0400 | +S5 |
0x0500 | +S6 |
0x0600 | +S7 |
0x0700 | +S8 |
0x0800 | +S9 |
0x0900 | +S10 |
0x0A00 | +S16 |
0x0B00 | +S32 |
0x0C00 | +S64 |
0x0D00 | +S128 |
0x0E00 | +S256 |
0x0F00 | +S512 |
Value | Explanation |
0x0000000 | text |
0x0010000 | binary |
0x0020000 | executable bit set |
0x0040000 | symlink |
0x0050000 | resource fork |
0x0080000 | unicode |
0x0090000 | raw text (nocrlf - 99.1) |
0x00C0000 | apple data + resource file (since 2000.2) |
0x00D0000 | apple data + resource file (99.2) |
0x1000000 | Used to support filetype detection |
Value | Explanation |
0x0100000 | writable |
0x0200000 | modtime |
0x0400000 | uncompress on client |
The type of a graph depot permission
Value | Explanation |
0 | none |
1 | read |
2 | write-ref |
4 | write-all |
8 | create-repo |
16 | delete-repo |
32 | create-ref |
64 | delete-ref |
128 | force-push |
256 | admin |
4096 | restricted-ref |
Specifies how an integration was performed. Integrations always come in pairs: the 'forward' and 'reverse' records. As a general rule, the forward records contain the word 'from'; and the reverse records contain the word 'into'.
Value | Explanation |
0 | merge from: integration with other changes |
1 | merge into: reverse merge |
2 | branch from: integration was branch of file |
3 | branch into: reverse branch |
4 | copy from: integration took source file whole |
5 | copy into: reverse take |
6 | ignored: integration ignored source changes |
7 | ignored by: reverse copy |
8 | delete from: integration of delete |
9 | delete into: reverse delete |
10 | edit into: reverse of integration downgraded to edit |
11 | add into: reverse of branch downgraded to add |
12 | edit from: merge that the user edited |
13 | add from: branch downgraded to add |
14 | moved from: reverse of renamed file |
15 | moved into: file was renamed |
16 | 'delete' target rev ignoring non-deleted source |
17 | non-deleted source ignored by 'delete' target rev |
18 | 'integrate' target rev ignoring deleted source |
19 | deleted source ignored by 'integrate' target rev |
20 | deleted branch: branch from |
21 | deleted branch: delete into |
22 | undo: opposite of merge |
23 | undo reverse |
24 | move undo: move + undo as one record |
25 | move undo reverse |
Old (pre-98.2) job status values.
Value | Explanation |
0 | open |
1 | closed |
2 | suspended |
Specifies how the files specified by a mapping should be treated
Value | Explanation |
0 | mapped-in (the default) |
1 | mapped-out (mappings that start with '-') |
2 | overlay (mappings that start with '+') |
3 | haveMap (mappings that start with '$'). Used internally only |
4 | changeMap (mappings that start with '@') |
Object type
Value | Explanation |
0 | commit |
1 | tree |
2 | tag |
3 | null |
A bitmask of granted permissions
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | none |
0x0001 | Grants list access |
0x0002 | Grants read access |
0x0004 | Grants ability to branch/integ from |
0x0008 | Grants open access |
0x0010 | Grants write access |
0x0020 | Grants review access |
0x0080 | Grants admin access |
0x0040 | Grants super-user access |
0x0100 | Grants owner access |
The status of an archive pull transfer
Value | Explanation |
new | new transfer |
active | active transfer |
done | completed transfer |
error | errored transfer |
restart | restarted transfer |
cancelled | cancelled transfer |
A reference action
Value | Explanation |
0 | create |
1 | update |
2 | force |
3 | delete |
The type of reference
Value | Explanation |
0 | Branch reference |
1 | Remote reference |
2 | Tag reference |
3 | Workspace branch reference. Pseudo-reference, used by workspaces that access git files |
4 | Workspace have reference. Pseudo-reference, used by workspaces that access git files |
5 | Other reference |
Pending or completed resolve actions.
Value | Explanation |
0 | Content resolve |
1 | Filetype resolve |
2 | Branch resolve |
3 | Delete resolve |
4 | Move resolve |
5 | Attribute resolve |
6 | Charset resolve |
Specifies how the user resolved merge operations.
Value | Explanation |
0 | Not yet resolved |
1 | Resolved manually |
2 | Resolved automatically as part of a branch |
3 | Resolved automatically as part of a delete |
4 | Resolved automatically as part of a move |
Lazy copy, task stream promotion, and charset status
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | single revision with content |
0x0001 | single revision lazy copied |
0x0002 | revision task sparse |
0x0004 | revision task branch |
Value | Explanation |
0 | NONE |
1 | UTF_8 |
2 | ISO8859_1 |
3 | UTF_16 |
5 | EUCJP |
7 | WIN_US_OEM |
9 | ISO8859_15 |
10 | ISO8859_5 |
11 | KOI8_R |
12 | WIN_CP_1251 |
13 | UTF_16_LE |
14 | UTF_16_BE |
15 | UTF_16_LE_BOM |
16 | UTF_16_BE_BOM |
17 | UTF_16_BOM |
18 | UTF_8_BOM |
19 | UTF_32 |
20 | UTF_32_LE |
21 | UTF_32_BE |
22 | UTF_32_LE_BOM |
23 | UTF_32_BE_BOM |
24 | UTF_32_BOM |
27 | CP949 |
28 | CP936 |
29 | CP950 |
30 | CP850 |
31 | CP858 |
The services offered by a type of service.
Value | Explanation |
0x0903 | standard ( db-read | db-write | rmt-depot | rmt-journal ) |
0x0045 | replica ( db-read | db-replication | file-replication | rmt-depot | rmt-journal ) |
0x0030 | broker ( brokering | forwarding ) |
0x00A0 | proxy ( forwarding | file-cacheing ) |
0x00E5 | forwarding-replica ( db-read | db-replication | forwarding | file-replication | file-cacheing | rmt-depot | rmt-journal ) |
0x004D | build-server ( db-read | db-replication | bound-clients | file-replication | rmt-depot | rmt-journal ) |
0x0203 | P4AUTH ( db-read | db-write | rmt-auth ) |
0x0403 | P4CHANGE ( db-read | db-write | rmt-change ) |
0x19ED | edge-server ( db-read | db-replication | bound-clients | forwarding | file-replication | file-cacheing | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | local-opens ) |
0x2F03 | commit-server ( db-read | db-write | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | rmt-change | rmt-auth | commit-server ) |
0x6F03 | depot-master ( db-read | db-write | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | rmt-change | rmt-auth | commit-server | p4zk-managed ) |
0xC945 | depot-standby ( db-read | db-replication | file-replication | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | journal-copy | p4zk-managed ) |
0x59ED | workspace-server ( db-read | db-replication | bound-clients | forwarding | file-replication | file-cacheing | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | local-opens | p4zk-managed ) |
0x8945 | standby ( db-read | db-replication | file-replication | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | journal-copy ) |
0x89E5 | forwarding-standby ( db-read | db-replication | forwarding | file-replication | file-cacheing | rmt-depot | rmt-journal | journal-copy ) |
0x4030 | workspace-router ( brokering | forwarding | p4zk-managed ) |
0x10003 | local ( db-read | db-write | dvcs-local ) |
0x20000 | cluster ( cluster-id ) |
0x40000 | zookeeper-server ( zookeeper-server ) |
0x80000 | hxca-server ( hxca-server ) |
0x100000 | git-connector |
Value | Explanation |
0x0001 | db-read |
0x0002 | db-write |
0x0004 | db-replication |
0x0008 | bound-clients |
0x0010 | brokering |
0x0020 | forwarding |
0x0040 | file-replication |
0x0080 | file-cacheing |
0x0100 | rmt-depot |
0x0200 | rmt-auth |
0x0400 | rmt-change |
0x0800 | rmt-journal |
0x1000 | local-opens |
0x2000 | commit-server |
0x4000 | p4zk-managed |
0x8000 | journal-copy |
0x10000 | dvcs-local |
0x20000 | cluster-id |
0x40000 | zookeeper |
0x80000 | hxca |
The type of server
Value | Explanation |
0 | server |
1 | proxy |
2 | broker |
3 | identifier |
4 | admin |
5 | connector |
A integer value representing the type of a spec
Value | Explanation |
98 (ASCII 'b') | branch |
67 (ASCII 'C') | change |
99 (ASCII 'c') | client |
100 (ASCII 'd') | depot |
101 (ASCII 'e') | spec |
103 (ASCII 'g') | group |
106 (ASCII 'j') | job |
108 (ASCII 'l') | label |
68 (ASCII 'D') | ldap |
76 (ASCII 'L') | license |
112 (ASCII 'p') | protect |
114 (ASCII 'r') | remote |
83 (ASCII 'S') | server |
115 (ASCII 's') | stream |
84 (ASCII 'T') | trigger |
116 (ASCII 't') | typemap |
117 (ASCII 'u') | user |
Stash type
Value | Explanation |
0 | switch: A shelf with work-in-progress for a particular stream/branch |
1 | tangent: Work-in-progress relocated by 'p4 fetch -t'. Consumed and removed by 'p4 resubmit' |
The path type for file paths in a stream view.
Value | Explanation |
0 | share |
1 | isolate |
2 | import |
3 | exclude |
4 | remapped |
5 | ignored |
6 | inclusive |
7 | import+ |
The stream integration status.
Value | Explanation |
0x0000 | Clear cache |
0x0001 | Needs copy |
0x0002 | Copy up-to-date |
0x0004 | Needs merge |
0x0008 | Merge up-to-date |
The type of stream.
Value | Explanation |
0 | mainline |
1 | release |
2 | development |
3 | virtual |
4 | task |
5 | task - unloaded |
Whether or not a user's password has been tested for strength.
Value | Explanation |
0 | Strength unknown |
1 | Password is strong |
2 | Unset |
Server specification view type
Value | Explanation |
0 | ClientDataFilter |
1 | RevisionDataFilter |
2 | ArchiveDataFilter |
3 | AllowedAddresses |
Indicates the tamper-state of a file in a workspace. This is used to decide whether or not to check the file, and if checked, to hold the result.
Value | Explanation |
0 | Do not check for tampering |
1 | Check for tampering |
2 | Tamper-check failed |
The type of trait.
Value | Explanation |
0 | Special trait for reference counting |
1 | Binary trait |
2 | Binary trait that gets propagated |
The type of a trigger.
Value | Explanation |
0 | change-submit (formerly pre-submit triggers) |
1 | change-content |
2 | change-commit |
3 | form-in |
4 | form-out |
5 | form-save |
6 | form-delete |
7 | form-commit |
8 | auth-check |
9 | auth-check-sso |
10 | auth-set |
11 | fix-add |
12 | fix-delete |
13 | archive |
14 | shelve-submit |
15 | shelve-commit |
16 | shelve-delete |
17 | service-check |
18 | edge-submit |
19 | edge-content |
20 | change-failed |
21 | command |
22 | push-submit |
23 | push-content |
24 | push-commit |
25 | journal-rotate |
26 | journal-rotate-lock |
27 | graph-push-start |
28 | graph-push-complete |
29 | graph-push-reference |
30 | graph-push-reference-complete |
31 | graph-lfs-push |
32 | graph-fork-repo |
33 | pull-archive |
34 | auth-pre-2fa |
35 | auth-init-2fa |
36 | auth-check-2fa |
37 | bgtask |
The AuthMethod setting for the user.
Value | Explanation |
0 | perforce |
1 | ldap |
16 | perforce+2fa |
17 | ldap+2fa |
User functionality level
Value | Explanation |
0 | standard |
1 | service |
2 | operator |
The role of a user (or group) within a group.
Value | Explanation |
0x0001 | User is an ordinary user |
0x0002 | Group is a sub-group |
0x0004 | User is the owner of a group |