GitSwarm-EE 2017.1-1 Documentation

Help / Workflow / Helix Mirroring / Re-enable


Often, when Helix Mirroring has been enabled for a project, and subsequently disabled, it can later be re-enabled. In certain situations, it just works. In others, additional work needs to be done first.

Note: Your GitSwarm EE user account must either be an admin account, or you must have at least master-level permissions for the project on which you are attempting to re-enable mirroring.

How to re-enable Helix Mirroring:

  1. Visit the project's settings page.

  2. Click "Helix Mirroring".

  3. Click "Re-enable Helix Mirroring".

    You are prompted Are you sure?.

  4. Click "Yes".

    If possible, mirroring is re-enabled for the project.