Configuring SSH Identity Files

Once SSH has been installed, the following steps will assist you in setting up passwordless SSH authentication using the supplied browse and identity files.

Cygwin and CopSSH :

  1. cd to the root directory of the SSH installation.
  2. cd to .\home\<your_login_id>. If your home directory doesn't exist try the following:
    Cygwin Start a Cygwin shell by toggling on the Cygwin icon. If your account already exist this should automatically create the home directory and necessary shell files. If your account doesn't exist you may need to create a passwd entry in the /etc/passwd file by running the mkpasswd command (see the Cygwin documentation for usage).
    CopSSH Go to Start->Programs->COPSSH->Activate a user and create a user account. On Windows 8, the Start menu is presented as a separate Start screen
  3. If your home directory exists and you tested ssh as described in the Windows Setup and Execution section you will find a .ssh directory in this location. If the .ssh directory does not exist, perform a test ssh connection to another machine or localhost. This will create the .ssh directory along with a known_hosts file containing key information related to the host you just connected to.
  4. Copy the file from the Browse benchmark package to this location. If you have an existing file named authorized_keys, edit the file and append the contents of If authorized_keys doesn't exist you can simply rename to authorized_keys. The following example demonstrates how to append the to an existing authorized_keys file in a cygwin environment.
    cd C:\cygwin\home\<username>\.ssh
            1 file(s) copied.