SSCMGet Task
Surround SCM Get task for getting files.
Apache Ant

Get files when you want to view a file but do not need to make any changes. You can get a single file, multiple files, or a repository. A read-only copy of the file is created in the specified directory.

<taskdef name="sscmget" classname="com.seapine.surroundscm.ant.SSCMGet" />

Attribute Description Type Requirement
file Enter a file or repository name. Can be / or empty, which means the repository specified by the repository option or the default repository. String Required
overwrite Enter how to handle a local writable file: replace, skip. "replace", "skip"
branch Enter the branch name. The default branch is set in the working directory. String Optional
destdir Enter the local directory you want to get the files to. If Item is a repository, a subdirectory, with the same name as the repository, is created and files are copied to it. If Item is specified as /, files are copied to the local directory. If an option is not specified, files are copied to the working directory. String
force Force file retrieval from server regardless of the local copy status. boolean
includeremoved Include removed files when getting files by label. Default is true. Ignored if a label is not given. boolean
quiet Quiet mode. Do not list repository and local full path of files. boolean
recursive Recursively get files and sub-repositories. boolean
repository Enter the full repository path. String
failOnError Set to true if you want the task to throw a BuildException when it fails. boolean
serverconnect Enter the address and port number of the Surround SCM server host computer. If not entered, use the last saved connection parameters. String
serverlogin Enter the username and password used to login to the Surround SCM server. If not entered, use the last saved login parameters. String
timestamp Set the local file's date/time: current time (default), modify time, checkin time "current", "modify", "checkin"
version Enter the file version to get. Ignored if a specific filename is not given in the file attribute. String
writable Make local file editable or writable. Default is read-only. boolean
Parameters as nested elements
   branch="Widget 1.0"

Get all files and repositories from repository 'Mainline/Widget' recursively from the 'Widget 1.0' branch to the working directory setup for user 'administrator'. This call will force the file retrieval from the server even if the local file is current; and overwrite any local files that are writable with the copy from the server. This call will output the progress of the Get to the console. Add quiet="true" to hide these progress messages.

   branch="Widget 1.0"

Get version 1 of the file 'Mainline/Widget/' from the 'Widget 1.0' branch to the working directory setup for user 'administrator'. Will not overwrite a local file that is writable even if that file is out of date.

   branch="Widget 1.0"
   bylabel="Release 1.0.1"

Get all files and repositories labeled with 'Release 1.0.0' (even those removed from Surround) from repository 'Mainline/Widget' recursively from the 'Widget 1.0' branch to the '${build}/src' directory. Will overwrite any local files that are writable with the copy from the server.

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