SSCMBatch Task
Surround SCM Batch task for processing batch files.
Apache Ant

Processes the batch commands found in the input file. Each line in the input file should contain a single Surround SCM command including proper command line options. Main command sscm, Surround SCM server address, port number, username and password are not required for each command line.

<taskdef name="sscmbatch" classname="com.seapine.surroundscm.ant.SSCMBatch" />

Attribute Description Type Requirement
input The file to read commands out of. String Required
output Enter a text file to direct all standard output. When executing commands from the input file, all output will be written to this file rather than being displayed on the screen. String Optional
failOnError Set to true if you want the task to throw a BuildException when it fails. boolean
serverconnect Enter the address and port number of the Surround SCM server host computer. If not entered, use the last saved connection parameters. String
serverlogin Enter the username and password used to login to the Surround SCM server. If not entered, use the last saved login parameters. String
Parameters as nested elements

Run the batch file ${src}/sscm.batch on the server at localhost, port 4900 with username 'administrator' and a blank password. All script output will be directed to the console.


Run the batch file ${src}/sscm.batch on the server at localhost, port 4900 with username 'administrator' and a blank password. All script output will be redirected to ${dist}/sscm.batch.out.

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